Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Giggles all the way...


I do not take for granted the abundant and beautiful joy found in most minutes of our lives. It does not escape me that I would not have these beautiful souls in my life if I had not followed God's leading to surrender control of my reproductive life. So very much has been added to my life for that one decision! It is not a path well traveled, but it is a path worth pursuing.

Bethany and Emily went to get the box that was delivered to our gate at the end of our long driveway without being asked. I am glad I got to watch them come back with it. They giggled and laughed the whole way back! They redeemed the time further by turning it in a communication building exercise. One would take turns talking the other around the obstacles behind them. 

I tell my children often: "The only difference between work and play is attitude. You can wear yourself out in either. It's how you approach a task that makes the difference." Your mind is a powerful tool. Use it wisely.