Thursday, December 20, 2018

Let them yap and yap...

I had a woman on my Facebook friend's list who is the daughter of a mentor of mine. Every time I would post something uplifting and encouraging, she'd post about how much she hated happy people who were always posting happy things. She used foul language and had a nasty attitude about everything. She posted how she hated people who lived a fairy tale life that was happily ever after. "I hate ***** people who breathe out unicorns and crap out rainbows." Her bitterness coincided after my posts so frequently that I knew it was not a coincidence. Soon, a friend contacted me and said, "I think she's targeting you."

I knew she was bitter over how her life had turned out. She was middle aged, never been married, had no children but stated she wanted some, could not hold onto a relationship, had major issues at work with her fellow employees, did not get along with her neighbors, had several health issues, and was very unhappy all the way around. 

I could have taken issue with her nastiness, but I ignored her. I saw her posts as her crying out in her misery. I ignored her misdirected anger for three years. I prayed for her and kept being the woman that is happy and thankful with what the Lord has done in her life, tries to get along with everyone, and wants to uplift and encourage everyone to a closer relationship with Him. I fail at the miserably sometimes, but I do try. 

Do you know what happened?

She finally realized she was the problem. She started working on her relationship with God. I think she blamed Him for her circumstances. She gradually grew happier. Later, she saw a doctor and received some help in the way of counseling and medication. Her physical health issues resolved themselves as her spirit and mind improved. She is now posting very cheerful posts and mentions her relationship with God has grown closer since she let go of the anger. She is newly married. She is getting along with others at work and in her neighborhood. She mentions that she has "adopted" others to be her "children" and is determined to make an impact in their lives. She is encouraging others to not to be bitter but to seek the Lord and be better. To God be the glory!!

If I had responded at her level, do you think it would have helped or hindered her to grow?

If I had become angry and unfriended her instead of praying for her, I never would have seen the incredible change in her life. I would have missed out on the opportunity to minister to her through prayer.

Do you have people who are jealous of your success and happiness? Do they try to bring you down? Do they speak untruths about you?

Do you have people you misunderstand your intentions and believe poorly of you because of issues in their own hearts? 

Bitter people hate the happy and successful! They can't encourage and wish people well in life or business. They can't because they are too low to lift anyone else up. 

Let them yap and yap like a small dog. Without paying them any heed, keep going the way you are called to go. 

The Lion does not turn around 
when the small dog barks. African Proverb

Don't be distracted from your calling in Jesus by things that do not matter in the light of eternity. You have a choice in how you respond to the bitter people in your life. Instead of sinking down to their level, rise above it and put them on your prayer list.  -Mama Asbell