Saturday, January 11, 2020

From My Scribble Pad 5



This one is my favorite.
The lettering is straighter than it appears. The picture was taken at an angle. 
I was thinking about how my girls would dance and sing with KLOVE radio in their dresses. As I did the gradient, I was thinking about Hannah's love of sunsets.

Dear Reader, I do not know what your creativity looks like. Do you draw, write, paint, sew, bead, scrapbook, experiment in the kitchen, woodwork, create stories, do various crafts, design things so someone else can make them, enjoy decorating your home, write music, or play an instrument? God gave each of us talents and a creative mind. When we are creative, we are reflecting His image, and our creativity can be a form of worship. I am so thankful my girls gave me the many art supplies they did. It has opened a new way for me to relax and meditate. I've been reflecting ever since how we moms pour so much of ourselves into our children. Then they start pouring back and end up filling and even expanding our lives more than we thought possible. All of His ways are good!