Monday, January 13, 2020

Tortoise Meal

leafy greens, fruit (crushed to help it thaw faster), and baby shrimp

One reason I wanted redfoot tortoises was because their diet is much like ours. You can find their foods easily in a grocery store and scraps from our meals can often feed them. My sulcata Little Joe, had to have special dried grasses which she was very stubborn about eating.

What do redfoot tortoises eat? They can eat certain dark leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and meat. There are exceptions and limitations for each of those. For those looking for specific information, there are plenty of food lists on the internet.

For all tortoises I've kept over the years, I usually make a varied mix of the foods they can safely consume. I let them eat what they want. In doing that, I've noticed their preferences change with the seasons.

For my redfoots, my only indoor tortoises, I make two plates to last the week. I let them eat what they want of it. After an hour or so, I then cover the clearly marked container and put it back in the fridge until the next day. At the end of the week, I toss the leftovers to my outdoor turtles who can recognize me from my other family members. From the way they "wake up" and make tracks, I imagine they call out to each other, "Alright everyone, start moving to the drop point. That's the food lady!"

I am trying to get Chevelle use to being handled by many people since she will soon be going with me to visit a bedridden man.* If that goes well, I may take her to see others. I am looking forward to listening to the memories that will come to the surface in the minds of those who hold her. 

*His hands will be cleaned before and after he handles her. Why before? Because germs are a two way street. Animals can get sick too.