Saturday, January 25, 2020

Go help your daddy by climbing on his back.


When my children were little and Clint was working on something, I'd tell them, "Go help your daddy by climbing on his back! He likes that!" Now, I would know the kind of work was safe, and I'd know Clint would welcome it before I said it. It always brought giggles, smiles, laughter, and a "Thank you, Honey!" A lot of times, he'd let them hold his tools, explain what he was doing, and let them help according to their abilities which kept growing as they worked beside him.

The days of being able to say that are coming to a fast end, but I will do this again with grandchildren, Lord willing. Hannah is the only one still light enough who can climb on Clint's strong back now. I send her when I can. The suggestion makes her face light up and her feet fly as she finds her daddy and the fun with him begins.

We got another time of "helping dad" recently. As you can see from Clint's and Hannah's faces, it brings big smiles which always seems to help lighten the workload.


After she climbed on Clint's back, Hannah got to help by trimming the uneven ends off boards with an oscillating tool. She's happy because it is the first time she's been allowed to use that tool.

Young wives, be wise. Look for ways to lighten your husband's workload. If you can't make the work lighter by helping out yourself, then see if you can lighten it by bringing in smiles. Some husbands do not have the discipline of temperament to work with their children. Your company and good disposition, the children playing in his view at a safe distance, music, snacks, you flirting with him, and more can all lighten the load mentally.

...the cheerful heart has a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15b

The wise woman builds her house...
Proverbs 14:1a