Thursday, April 15, 2021

takes his faith seriously & speaks on behalf of Christ

 "Anyone who takes his faith seriously & speaks on behalf of Christ and His kingdom will be accused of fanaticism at some point." ~RC Sproul

About 20 ago, I had a friend who told me I was "too Christian" and "too focused on Jesus." She said she belonged to a nature religion. She kept me as a friend because she liked to ask me about herbal medicine. Just recently, that person gave her testimony publicly that she and her husband were saved because of my steadfast commitment to Christ. What a joy that day was!

Let them make fun of you. Let them talk about you. Then let the Holy Spirit do His work in their hearts. It may take decades or even a lifetime to see the fruit of the seeds you plant. It can be very discouraging at times. Do your part and trust the Lord to do His. The timing and the victory are His!

There is this one man I have been praying for since we were about 8 years old. From the things he says, the "poetry" he writes, and the things he embraces, he outright hates God. He makes fun of Christians. I have been one of his targets. He mistook the grace God enabled me to show him as me being too dumb to understand what he meant. He doesn't know I know he has a drinking problem. I still have the Holy Spirit's leading to pray for him, so I am still trusting the Lord to do His work. God does not waste our time. If He is leading us to pray, there is a purpose for it! If you will, please take a second and pray for the salvation of B.