Thursday, April 15, 2021

This and That

I apologize in advance for any typos. There is a lot going on around me.

Things (new and bigger contracts, production) are really picking up for Clint at work. There was a big issue in hiring people who had the skills to do the job. Some quit within a few days. Others were let go after a week or two. A group of us started praying about it, and they have found two excellent men. 

Clint and I have found hidden away places where it is legal to off-road. These places are mapped but not many know about them. We have already driven several that are close to us and had a blast doing it. 

Brandon has made some very good financial decisions with the pay increase due to his new role as IT Manager over six industrial plants. He is currently praying about another big one. He's made progress on his project car which is a VW Beetle. It's the yellow one pictured in a much earlier post. His loves of VW Beetles started with the Herbie movies.

Amanda is set to go to dayshift by the end of the month. Hopefully, there will not be any more delays. She stays pretty busy between work and home. Her sweet kitty, Diva, escaped. Amanda was quite worried about the cat, but she had to go to work. Clint and I took our trap and tried to lure Diva in with smells from food, bedding, and Amanda's t-shirts. It turned out the cat ignored all of that and came home when she wanted to a few days later. That's a cat for ya!

Joshua is loving working full time in his role as manager. He has received some high praise. He and his co-workers have broken long-standing records under Joshua's leadership. Yay Joshua!! One of his bosses wants to put him on another shift for a short time to allow him to streamline their processes and improve their workflow. Joshua has his own ministry to his co-workers and family too. 

Caleb. Mercy, that boy stays busy. He not only works full-time but he also has a side job. Then he has a thriving side hustle. He has three standing requests with companies that want him to work with them. One will give him training and a truck. Even though he lives at home and I stay up to make sure he gets home safely from work, I do not get to see him that often. (I am up, but in bed. He texts me so we don't wake anyone up.) Caleb carves time out to sit down and talk with me at least once a week though.

Bethany is very glad to be done with college (at 17!) and is loving work. She is just as darling as she can be in her uniform. She loves the car she bought and is hoping to sit for her driver's license soon. CoVid has slowed that down, but she gets where she wants to go just fine between everyone in our family. She's content to wait until things get better. When she is home, she helps with pressure canning and cleaning which is a nice gift to her mama.

Emily and Hannah are doing school off and on. On the pretty days, we take off to do an outside task or just to enjoy the weather. When the winter weather was bad, they did six days' worth of lessons most days, so they are far ahead of where they need to be. That allows us to be very flexible. 

Allergy season is here. If I get too worn down as my body deals with the allergic response, it can cause the CA-EBV to become active again. I know to rest more until the worst of the season is over, so I have slowed my pace a bit. Identifying and responding to this part of my life has made a huge difference in how much CA-EBV affects me. I have not had a major re-activation in several years. There are other things I do to mitigate it, but allowing my body to rest a little more than usual is a big factor.