“A young man once sat in my office and said, “Ray, I’ve been looking at you guys, and I don’t have what you’ve got. I have no zeal for the lost. I don’t have a hunger for the Word. Something is wrong in my Christian walk.”
I asked him, “Do you have love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, faith, meekness, and temperance?” (Galatians 5:22). And he said “No” to seven of the nine fruits of the Spirit. So I said, “By your own confession, I don’t see any evidence that you are soundly saved.”
Now at that point he did exercise the fruit of self-control. Because he told me later that he wanted to rearrange my face. But instead of doing that he went home, examined himself to see if he was in the faith, concluded that he wasn’t, and got on his knees and repented before a holy God. And within three months he was such a fruit bearer that he was entrusted with a ministry within our church.”
~Ray Comfort, Living Waters Ministries