Tuesday, June 07, 2022

How do you battle tiredness due to workload?

How do you battle tiredness due to workload? I am raising four children, homeschool, work part-time, and run a small hobby farm. I am beyond tired!

I understand. I truly do. Different boat, but same waters. Decades of experience. 

A teacher from my high school told me about a year ago that I have always been a high achieving and highly productive person with a very strong drive to perform well. I had never considered myself that way at all, probably because my job has been mostly "at home." There is no corporate ladder within these walls to climb, so I guess I had underrated myself and my roles. She even used the word phenomenal in her description of me which I found shocking!! I kind of pushed what she said aside, so God sent another friend who shared her observations of my life to reinforce the point. These ladies helped me to see myself, my family, and my role in Christ differently.  I think most of us tend to belittle what we do and reproach ourselves for not doing more or doing it better. Seeing ourselves through someone else's lens can be very uplifting and encouraging. 

A few quick tips to try to see if they work for you: 

Evaluate and assess your situation often.  When I started earning money from home, I tried three different things at one time which were in addition to running our hobby farm, kennel, homeschooling our seven children, raising a big garden, cooking from scratch, pressure canning, etc. Much of the time, it ran well, but there were times I'd get very run down. I'd have to reassess and see what was working and what wasn't. Where were the points things became backed up? Once I had an accurate assessment, I'd implement changes and see how those worked. When something just wasn't working no matter what I tried, I tossed it and looked for something that did work to help me reach my goals. 

I think having goals is also key. Why are you doing what you are doing? Define that as simply as you can. Use that as an assessment tool and a compass. 

If you have children, delegate the easiest tasks to the youngest. It keeps the oldest from having too much to do as you get them to help. 

Take breaks when you need them because you will be much more productive when you are well-rested and refocused. 

Look for ways to cut the workload. (A recent example from my life: I was composting in piles I had to flip. Now, I throw everything into the chicken coop. They turn it for me! I pull aside the fresh on top and get the soil from below when I need it. It's one less thing I have to worry about and cut around in the yard...and, the chickens are doing it better and much faster!!) 

I also automated some things on our place. Other jobs, I combined. 

For certain projects I wanted to take on, I have put off until next year simply because I can't handle it right now. 

Don't expect more from yourself than you would your best friend with the same workload...iow, be your own best friend. 

From time to time, I would downsize my life because I was struggling to do it well. 

From the details of your life you have shared, it sounds like you also have a high drive to be highly productive. You don't have to do it all, mama. And, you don't have to do it all RIGHT NOW. 

My love to you and yours! Happy homeschooling, homesteading, and homemaking! I have other tips in the blog, but you will have to search for them.