Monday, October 17, 2022

Aren't you afraid of WW3?

I was asked if I was worried about the possibility of nuclear war as we approach WW3?

No, I am not anxious about it, but I have given it consideration.

The answer is that I have done what I think is prudent and reasonable and have gone on with my life. The possibility of WW3 is not an everyday immediate concern to me. In other words, I have given it consideration, made plans, and left it behind me. 

I live on the coast where we see hurricanes now and then. I have been through several natural disasters, seen my immediate neighbor's homes uprooted and moved into the street or their backyard by tornadoes and a flood, had my home declared a FEMA disaster site, had to evacuate my family and pets during a wild fire, and have had a major loss to yet another fire. A co-worker of my husband's was killed when he was hit by his house as it came off of its foundation in a tornado. I have given birth 20 minutes after when I thought labor "might have possibly maybe" started with a tiny bit of discomfort. I was on vacation when my child need emergency surgery. I had a long conversation with a FEMA agent about things he's seen that amazed him. Just a few months ago, a brush fire nearly claimed one of our smaller barns. We are supposed to learn from our experiences. Those events in my life have taught me that the unexpected does happen. I believe God allowed those events in my life so that I would be more prepared for future events. 

I have had potassium iodide for a long time.....way before Russia and Ukraine. I live near a nuclear power plant, so it is a good first line of defense should that facility have a meltdown. I don't want to have to wait for an authority to hand it out which could cause delays in treatment. Potassium iodide is inexpensive and helps protect the thyroid from cancer due to nuclear radiation. It has a long shelf life. I've added more to what I've had...just in case something happens and we are advised to take it.

I pressure can and water bath can so I am familiar with and use pectin. I keep that on hand also. Pectin helps bind and pass radiation out of the body. If you would like an education on it, internet search pectin, Chernobyl, and radiation medical research. I purchased additional this year just in case.

My husband battled Lyme and through that, I learned the many good qualities of resveratrol so I have it on hand. Again, your own research should provide the answer to your questions including what kind of foods and herbs in which it is found.

Dear Reader, The Bible tells us that the prudent person sees danger and makes plans for it. Many military experts are telling us nuclear war is a possibility. Some are saying it is very likely. I don't know. Should a nuclear event happen, I have a plan in place, but this is not something plaguing my mind or causing me anxiety. My family and I belong to the Lord and fully trust Him with our lives. If we die, we will be with the Lord...all gain, no loss. Their warnings have made me increase my efforts to get the gospel out.

What scares me and troubles my heart is the spiritual well-being of family and friends. The decisions there will be final and have the most serious and eternal consequences. Time is very, very short, and satan is hard at work, especially in spiritual warfare. We should be very hard at work also. 

My love to all!