Friday, October 28, 2022

Brandon News

Brandon passed all of the security clearances without any problems and has his gov card.

This will allow him to work for HW at facilities that require it. He is more excited about how it allows him to bypass TSA in airports. He just has to show them this ID, and he is passed through without question. No more long waits!

Brandon is really enjoying working at such a diverse group of companies through HW. He is learning and experiencing so much. His boss and coworkers are very pleased with his performance to the point they put him in the field early. Then, they made him the lead on a big project just two weeks after working in the field. He has already chosen a knowledgeable and hard-working mentor from whom he is learning as much as he can. 

When he is in the field, he is working 12-16 hour days. He is loving the paychecks!

My least favorite quote from Brandon:

"Don't worry, mom, they told me how certain walls give way to direct the blast to protect the workers." 


Then there is another more alarming quote I won't repeat, but he does have some risk. Please keep him and these facilities in prayer.

Fun fact: Each place he works at representing HW requires their own drug test at a facility of their choosing. It's really not so much fun, but he gets paid from the moment he leaves his home until he returns.