Friday, January 04, 2019

Bored Being Off Your Feet? On Bed Rest? Here's Some Encouragement

I shared this with a friend who was struggling with being off her feet for several weeks while her leg healed: 

I spent most (8 months at a time) of my pregnancies on bed rest. I have been pregnant 14 times with 16 children but only 7 are living. That's a lot of down time when added up. I found comfort when I stopped thinking about what I couldn't do and started finding things I could. I learned html, built a family web page, opened an online store through eBay, and completed a medicinal herbalist course during one pregnancy. I didn't do the best at everything because I was very ill, but at least I was busy and learning as able. I read college textbooks on things that interested me like psychology, history, art, literature, science, and nursing. I made Christmas presents through sewing, painting, and etc. I also used my bed rest times to grow closer to the Lord through Bible studies. I couldn't do a lot of activity on my feet, but I could do gentle exercises in bed with my arms and legs. I set out to learn to crochet during my last pregnancy, but when I lost my baby, I lost my heart for it. It's still boxed up waiting for a grandchild. I've studies foreign languages including sign language. I also started a card ministry during one of my pregnancies. I reached out to hurting people and tried to make their day brighter. When you put your mind to it, I am sure you can find plenty of things to keep yourself occupied. I also found that every "down time" the Lord gave me had a purpose and was a time of spiritual and intellectual growth. There are no wasted moments with the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: