Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Real Team I Am On

We love supporting our long time family friends' children, aka young family friends, in sports in the different high schools and colleges they represent! It gets kind of hard when two of our younger friends are on opposing teams. So please take team mentions whether here, or on FB, or in person with a grain of salt. 

I never want to offend anyone over something as insignificant to eternity as a sporting team. It's people (souls) that matter. If showing support for your team and listening to you talk about them is the way you enjoy me showing love to you, then I am all for supporting your team. YOU matter to me. That means your interests matter too.

I apologize to any who were offended by the post I made. I took it down. I did not recall that I had friends on both teams. 

Note: I have seven children. I can't keep up with them and all of their interests and all of you and your interests too. I do make an effort, but it is a very flawed effort. 

-Miss Wendy/Aunt Wendy/Miyagi/TheDaringEmmDubya/whatever you call me