We are a Christian homeschooling family of 9 sharing experiences on our 14 acre farm in rural Virginia. Blog entries could feature anything going on in our lives: our walk with Christ, triumphs and struggles, homeschool, family life, helpful hints, tips for large family living, rural living, herbal medicine, etc. If you enjoyed your visit, please drop us a line at contentmentacres@yahoo.com
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
I Named Him Tonka
The trench he made goes further back than the photo shows.
That little musk turtle really had to work to get out because he was moving straight ahead instead of going up. How many times do we make things harder for ourselves by going in the wrong direction when an easier method is made available if we just stop and turn.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Monday, March 30, 2020
He Directs Our Paths
We had been adding to our pantry before this Dec 19th purchase,
but this purchase helped us pinpoint a clearer timeline.
Clint and I were curious about exactly when God's leading struck, so we looked up the first purchase we could find. We are 100% certain, because of this purchase pictured above, that we were buying extra from our local stores and also online well before December 19.
The first tested positive case of coronavirus in the United States was January 21st. My family had all we needed before things even got going in our country. That has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God being intimately involved with His people's lives.
Dear Reader, The Father loves us and directs our lives. There have been many, many times in our family's life where God has alerted us to something being "not quite right," or had us prepare ahead for something we could not see, or led us to make just the right move at just the right time. He is intricately involved in each of our lives. Staying close to Him brings blessings. If you do not already, I hope you will consider knowing Him today.
A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
on the radar of people around us
“But here’s what grieving people wish others would understand: grief is incredibly, relentlessly lonely. It really makes a huge difference to be reminded that we are not forgotten, that our loss is on the radar of people around us.”
― Nancy Guthrie, What Grieving People Wish You Knew about What Really Helps
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Positive Coronavirus News
I was asked to give an update on the coronavirus situation for our group blog. I figured I'd also share here.
Virginia has a population of 8,518,000 people. As of this morning, there were 890 people who tested positive and 22 who have died from CoVid-19. This is to help put it into perspective to help those dealing with fear. This is not me saying there is not a reason to be concerned or to not take reasonable precautions. On the other hand, there isn't a reason to be driven by fear either.
I checked hospital wait times in many cities near me and also in hot spots around the country. They were not unusual. In fact, many had no wait times (2-3 minutes) or very little wait times (20 minutes or less). The longest wait I could find out of 25 hospitals was 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen it longer in my small town during normal circumstances.
Friends of mine went to hospitals in some of the hardest hit areas. They walked into the ER and filmed empty chairs and hallways with very few patients. I have seen five such videos to date. What is being reported and what they are seeing is not the same.
Friends told me their hospital in Florida is cutting hours. Two members of the same family working in health care were laid off along with other coworkers. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of healthcare workers there.
People have shared wonderful and exciting pictures of empty shelves with me...of the book sections. Bibles are selling out!
My family/friends in Alabama, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other states are seeing the shelves fill up again. I saw the same in the stores I visited in two different cities this week. Friends report fuller shelves in other cities in our state. While toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and cleaning items are still hard to find in all but a few places, things are looking better in others. Store workers near me say they expect to see steady but probably slow improvement over the next few weeks.
Friends in the shipping industry say there is a demand for truckers to move items.
The Port of Los Angeles has increased by 5% since February. So now they are running at 80% instead of 75%. It's a small improvement, but it is an improvement nonetheless.
I watched a video report saying ports on the east coast are performing at normal levels. This is very good news!
People in my area are reporting seeing drayage moving on the roads again. More good news!
Dear Reader, I know the coronavirus story is not over yet. Troubling news is still all around us. However, it is very beneficial to the soul to look for things we can be thankful for in this moment. Let's praise the Lord together for the good news while we seek His leading, provision, and protection over our loved ones.
Virginia has a population of 8,518,000 people. As of this morning, there were 890 people who tested positive and 22 who have died from CoVid-19. This is to help put it into perspective to help those dealing with fear. This is not me saying there is not a reason to be concerned or to not take reasonable precautions. On the other hand, there isn't a reason to be driven by fear either.
I checked hospital wait times in many cities near me and also in hot spots around the country. They were not unusual. In fact, many had no wait times (2-3 minutes) or very little wait times (20 minutes or less). The longest wait I could find out of 25 hospitals was 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen it longer in my small town during normal circumstances.
Friends of mine went to hospitals in some of the hardest hit areas. They walked into the ER and filmed empty chairs and hallways with very few patients. I have seen five such videos to date. What is being reported and what they are seeing is not the same.
Friends told me their hospital in Florida is cutting hours. Two members of the same family working in health care were laid off along with other coworkers. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of healthcare workers there.
People have shared wonderful and exciting pictures of empty shelves with me...of the book sections. Bibles are selling out!
My family/friends in Alabama, Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other states are seeing the shelves fill up again. I saw the same in the stores I visited in two different cities this week. Friends report fuller shelves in other cities in our state. While toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and cleaning items are still hard to find in all but a few places, things are looking better in others. Store workers near me say they expect to see steady but probably slow improvement over the next few weeks.
Friends in the shipping industry say there is a demand for truckers to move items.
The Port of Los Angeles has increased by 5% since February. So now they are running at 80% instead of 75%. It's a small improvement, but it is an improvement nonetheless.
I watched a video report saying ports on the east coast are performing at normal levels. This is very good news!
People in my area are reporting seeing drayage moving on the roads again. More good news!
Dear Reader, I know the coronavirus story is not over yet. Troubling news is still all around us. However, it is very beneficial to the soul to look for things we can be thankful for in this moment. Let's praise the Lord together for the good news while we seek His leading, provision, and protection over our loved ones.
I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Psalm 146:2
Hate: Bitterness, Rage, Anger, Brawling, Slander, Malice
"Hatred corrodes the vessel that carries it."
So very true. Give it to the Lord, learn to love again, and set yourself free.
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
Get rid of all bitterness,
rage and anger,
brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:30-32
Get rid of all bitterness,
rage and anger,
brawling and slander,
along with every form of malice.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:30-32
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Asbell Quarantine Rice and Beans
Tuesday evening, Bethany and I decided we'd do a "throw and go" in the pot and come up with our own recipe using our food storage. It came out very tasty and was even better after sitting in the fridge overnight.
Asbell Quarantine Rice and Beans
9 cups uncooked long grain rice
2 15.5 oz cans red kidney beans
4 lbs sausage
2 29 oz cans diced tomatoes
1 quart homemade gourmet chicken broth
2 tbs salt
2 tbs pepper
2 tbs oregano
2 tbs thyme
1 tbs garlic powder
1 tbs onion powder
1/2 cup chili powder
Dehydrating Chickweed

We are dehydrating chickweed to turn into green powder for
smoothies, medicines, and more. Our poultry and tortoises love to eat it too.
Knowledge is something no one can take from you. Do you have knowledge on how to keep your family alive and healthy during hard times? Can you correctly identify and harvest wild plants growing all around you for food and medicine?
This simple and once commonplace knowledge can give you a lot of confidence during times of trouble. I've taught myself over the years this lost knowledge through many books, videos, online articles, and a few phone apps. When I was younger, I use to read fiction, but as I matured, I decided to redeem my time by learning things that might matter a lot to my family in the future. I am now passing the knowledge down to my children in hopes it will bless our future generations.
This simple and once commonplace knowledge can give you a lot of confidence during times of trouble. I've taught myself over the years this lost knowledge through many books, videos, online articles, and a few phone apps. When I was younger, I use to read fiction, but as I matured, I decided to redeem my time by learning things that might matter a lot to my family in the future. I am now passing the knowledge down to my children in hopes it will bless our future generations.
Chickweed is comparative to spinach in nutritional value. How much is spinach in the store? Would you like to get the same nutrition for free?
"Chickweed’s pretty packed with nutrients, especially for such a diminutive plant. It contains vitamins A, D, B complex, C, rutin (a bioflavonoid), calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sodium, copper, iron and silica. In comparison with spinach, chickweed holds up extremely well. It’s got just as much iron, along with other nutrients." source here

At the time of posting this, Walmart was selling organic spinach for $6.72 a pound.

Spinach powder is selling for right at $16 a pound on Amazon.
Harvesting wild growing chickweed is a bargain for the small effort it takes,
but the knowledge of chickweed and how to use it is priceless.
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. Genesis 1:29-30
Friday, March 27, 2020
Coronavirus and Jobs
Clint went to his part time job this past weekend which, like his full time job, is also an essential business that must keep running at the request of the government. He hasn't worked there in a while, so he was not sure what to expect when he arrived.
Upon arrival, he was surprised to see his badge had been disabled! The company disabled all employee badges. To return to work, they had to download a special phone app and fill out a travel and health survey. If they answered those in a manner to the company's liking, they were granted entry.
After that, they had to walk through a maze of precautions, health tips, and instructions. One of the precautions was a "footbath" that sanitized shoes. He was informed that starting this past Monday, temperatures would also be taken somewhere along the maze. We are not sure yet what an elevated temperature will require for a return to work.
Clint did not take pictures of the entire maze, but he did get a few.
Upon arrival, he was surprised to see his badge had been disabled! The company disabled all employee badges. To return to work, they had to download a special phone app and fill out a travel and health survey. If they answered those in a manner to the company's liking, they were granted entry.
After that, they had to walk through a maze of precautions, health tips, and instructions. One of the precautions was a "footbath" that sanitized shoes. He was informed that starting this past Monday, temperatures would also be taken somewhere along the maze. We are not sure yet what an elevated temperature will require for a return to work.
Clint did not take pictures of the entire maze, but he did get a few.

tape marks off 6 foot distances throughout the building
On Tuesday, Clint's full time job announced all hourly workers who are expected to work during the shut down will receive an extra $1 an hour for the next 30 days. Hazard pay? Amanda's division is included in that. The increase went into effect on Monday because that is when the governor called for businesses to close. The extra pay will extend if the shutdown extends. Hopefully things will change, and life can resume to normal sooner.
Joshua and Caleb are getting less hours. I am not sure how it is going at present, but the restaurant was losing $3k a day. They have done things to efficiently increase the drive through sales which has helped. Their boss is trying to give employees with families and mortgages more hours. Our boys understand and are happy to work with him to accomplish that.
Everyone in our family who works is still working. Brandon is working from home unless a technical issue warrants him to be on site. Clint and Amanda have a boost in pay and all the overtime they want. Joshua and Caleb are home more but are using the time towards college classes. We aren't meeting for Bible study with our group of young people. Shopping takes more effort because of the limits and our family size, but we have lacked nothing. We are having to help some others a little more and more people are relying on us than before, but we are happy to be able to lend a helping hand.
Dear Reader, we live in scary times where trouble in one form or another is all around us. It is enough to make anyone fearful. My prayer for you is that no matter what your circumstances, your eyes are so firmly fixed upon the Lord that your mind is full of peace and your lips are overflowing with His praise. He is so worthy of our worship!
Joshua and Caleb are getting less hours. I am not sure how it is going at present, but the restaurant was losing $3k a day. They have done things to efficiently increase the drive through sales which has helped. Their boss is trying to give employees with families and mortgages more hours. Our boys understand and are happy to work with him to accomplish that.
Everyone in our family who works is still working. Brandon is working from home unless a technical issue warrants him to be on site. Clint and Amanda have a boost in pay and all the overtime they want. Joshua and Caleb are home more but are using the time towards college classes. We aren't meeting for Bible study with our group of young people. Shopping takes more effort because of the limits and our family size, but we have lacked nothing. We are having to help some others a little more and more people are relying on us than before, but we are happy to be able to lend a helping hand.
Dear Reader, we live in scary times where trouble in one form or another is all around us. It is enough to make anyone fearful. My prayer for you is that no matter what your circumstances, your eyes are so firmly fixed upon the Lord that your mind is full of peace and your lips are overflowing with His praise. He is so worthy of our worship!
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me,
for in you my soul takes refuge;
in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,
till the storms of destruction pass by.
I cry out to God Most High,
to God who fulfills his purpose for me.
Psalm 57:1-2
Yeah, That Backfired on Us...in a good way
This is one of those stories I've held back from sharing. It might upset the more delicate natured people, and the first part of this sentence is their warning.
I figure now is as good a time as any to share the story because we will soon put it to rest. Pun intended!
Clint and I like to have fun with our children. There are lots of shenanigans in our home that keep us all laughing. Everyone has a good sense of humor and very, very rarely is anyone upset or offended. We're an easy going, fun loving bunch! Because of that, we have a lot of leeway in our home.
One of the things we had done with our gang over the years was to leave an object with "SHMILY" (See How Much I Love You) written on it where they would find it. At first, we used paper hearts, smooth stones, and fairly innocuous (boring) items. Amanda saw a rubber rat and a rubber spider in a store and asked me to buy them for SHMILY. That changed the game forever. Those things brought a laugh and a reminder of our love. Good deal!
Clint and I were in a thrift store looking for some camping items. We came across a taxidermied cat and dog. We took in the creepy factor and kept going. When were in line at the checkout, I started laughing. "Let's get the cat and do SHMILY with it." Clint laughed. We bought the cat. The cashier overheard and told us she wanted to be one of our children because our family was having "too much fun."
The first thing we did was tell our children via text we were bringing them home a pet. We told them they could name it. They immediately thought something was up. That might be because we have surprised them with a living tarantula and rat before. We told them it was a cat. And, we were not sure how much they'd like it because it seemed really sleepy and was not moving much at all.
We put it in a box with some holes punched in it and gave it to them that way.
They took it out and laughed and laughed! We talked about how special the cat must have been to someone for them to go to the expense of having it taxidermied. I told the children the person, probably deceased, would most likely enjoy hearing the cat was bringing joy into our lives.
We had a homeschool lesson on taxidermy and tanning hides because of that stuffed cat. I meant to take the cat, write SHMILY on it, and start the hiding. Then Clint and I figured we'd donate it to the thrift store so they could sell it again. However, busy motherhood resumed, and it slipped my mind.
I think a month went by before I remembered the cat again. It was one of those moment where you are just sitting there and then your eyes get really big and you feel dread in your stomach. What happened to that cat?! I looked and looked for it. I did not find it. I started asking my family about it. No one knew anything.
Then, I got to Bethany.
Then, I got to Bethany.
Our sweet little Boo sheepishly grinned and told me she liked the cat and had taken it to her bedroom. She asked me if she could keep it and told me she'd take good care of it. "It's not like it needs food or a litter box. It won't cost you anything, and it won't be any trouble. Please?" (That was the stage where she was still considering being a lawyer.)
Hooo-boy! That didn't go like we thought it would!
She kept the cat sitting on her desk for years. I'd cringe and imagine other parents saying, "Those horrid Asbells let their children play with dead animals!" Except, her friends thought it was cool.
Then, Amanda gave her Grey.
Then, Amanda gave her Grey.
Grey didn't like the "not living anymore" cat at all. So, Bethany parted with it. In its place, we got a PITB cat who did need food and a litter box. Clint and I did not learn of Bethany parting with the stuffed cat for a while. When we did, we thought our chance to part ways with the "quiet cat" had arrived.
Bethany had already given it to Emily. Yeah. We were still stuck with the cat.
Emily got tired of it a year ago. Like Bethany did to her, she passed it to Hannah.
Hannah, that blonde haired, blue eyed stinker, let us know with a mischievous smile that she would always tell the story of "the very first pet my parents let me have." Have mercy! LOL! That cat is the gift that keeps on giving!
It's been about a year. Hannah named it Topaz. It sat on her desk. Hannah drew it a few times. She told us she pet it. "You PET the dead cat?" I asked. "It's no worse that what you did to Caleb that time, Mom." she replied. The family laughed. I shut up.
Recently, Hannah saw the kitty had a tear in its fur. Her tender 11 year old heart was upset because she thought she had caused it. I reassured her it wasn't her fault. "That kitty is much older than you are. I am sure her first owner would be so proud of you for how well you have cared for it." She said she was ready to let it go. She put it on the table for Clint and I to decide what we will do with it.
Joshua came home from work and asked me why it was on the table. I explained and told him Dad and I were going to bury it. "Oh no!" he exclaimed loudly. "You can't just bury a cat like that! That cat was special to someone AND became special to us. We will talk about this cat for the REST of our lives! It's a HILARIOUS story! We HAVE to have something like a Viking burial at sea or something big like that. Let's finish the story in a BIG WAY!"
So, here I am typing this story with a taxidermied cat Hannah named Topaz on the table in front of me. I smile thinking how endeared it must have been to the original owner's heart and hope they would approve of us having it. I sure hope they wouldn't judge us as disrespectful.
Clint and I thought it would be a short term guest in our house, but it became interwoven with the story of our lives. I am thankful for the smiles, the many laughs, and fun memories it has given our family.
Joshua is right. We should finish this story with something memorable.
adult children,
for fun,
large family,
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Coronavirus and Opportunities
Many people are scared of getting sick with the coronavirus. Others are afraid of dying or losing loved ones to it. Some are using the uncertainty to behave in ways they would not normally behave. Even without knowing all of the details that need to be considered into the decision making, many people think their ideas are better than what is being done and are quite forceful and downright ugly with their opinions.
Others are trying to find the good in the situations now thrust upon us by counting their blessings. Countless others are doing more than their share to help out wherever they can. Everyone is socially distanced physically but united electronically. People are looking out for each other more than normal. New ways of doing things are being tried from online ordering to grocery and meal delivery services to video chats.
A friend reported he witnessed two ladies arguing over the last pack of hamburger in a store. They weren't arguing to keep it for themselves, but they were making a case for why the other lady needed it more. As my friend, and brother in Christ, Keith says, "That's the 'good stuff!'"
My heart was blessed when a newly found cousin, Tom, reached out and asked how we were doing. He wanted to see if we had all we needed. Our relationship is brand new, and we know so little about each other. It touched my heart because we were present in his thoughts. He took action to let us know he cares. Love does not hide well. It makes itself known one way or another.
People's negative behavior gives us opportunities too. We can pray for them, of course. We can also be patient and compassionate realizing fear is motivating them. We can be a calming influence, look for opportunities to share God's love story, and find practical ways to minister to their troubled souls. From personal experience with a grumpy, pain in the butt, old guy, it may seem like you are not making any inroads, but years later, they may tell you how something you said or did blessed them.
We learn more about ourselves during trying times. Weaknesses will be brought out which gives us an opportunity to repent and grow in Christ. We may also learn about hidden strength within ourselves. A certain topic of Bible study we had overlooked before may become very relevant. Troubling times bring opportunity to work on our inner person so we can expand our ministry and shine more for Christ.
We have a great opportunity right now to minister to our shut in community of special needs children, elderly, and disabled people. I have seen many of them very afraid and depressed lately. They certainly can use a friendly word and encouragement through a window, the phone, or a computer. Snail mail is most welcomed too. They may need groceries or prepared frozen meals. Neighbors who have special needs or are cancer patients need sanitation items and groceries dropped off on a porch. Elderly friends are so afraid to go out right now, so they need help getting prescriptions filled. Some people have lunch meat, but they can't find bread. So, a home baked loaf is much appreciated from those who have the skill. People who have CPAP machines need distilled water which is hard to find. There are suddenly so many wonderful opportunities to serve our Risen Savior!
Being in the large family community, I know many of our large family friends are struggling to buy what they need each week due to the limitations.* Adding a few things to your grocery order that you won't use could be helpful to those families. Nurses are asking people to sew masks for them. People on special diets are having a hard time locating specialty items like gluten free breads. The list of needs goes on and on. For the ministry minded Christian, there is an endless list of how we can serve others.
Dear Reader, How will you look back on your actions during this pivotal moment in history? Will you remember it as a time you complained loudly, allowed moods to dictate your behavior, and, motivated by fear and self preservation, hoarded items? Or, will you remember it as a time you served the Most High by being generous with others? Were you looking out for yourself or were you His servant? When hard times come, so much is revealed about our hidden person. Hard times can also be a training ground to experience personal growth and develop godly character. I am praying that you clearly hear God's will for you during this time and respond quickly to whatever He puts on your heart. Will you pray the same for me and my family? We are sincere in our desire to glorify the Lord, and we hope you are too.
*Because we have been through a few natural disasters and live in hurricane country, my family stays prepared and has all we need. If you need something, please let us know. We don't have a lot, but we can spare a roll of TP, a few eggs, or a bowl of chili.
Others are trying to find the good in the situations now thrust upon us by counting their blessings. Countless others are doing more than their share to help out wherever they can. Everyone is socially distanced physically but united electronically. People are looking out for each other more than normal. New ways of doing things are being tried from online ordering to grocery and meal delivery services to video chats.
A friend reported he witnessed two ladies arguing over the last pack of hamburger in a store. They weren't arguing to keep it for themselves, but they were making a case for why the other lady needed it more. As my friend, and brother in Christ, Keith says, "That's the 'good stuff!'"
My heart was blessed when a newly found cousin, Tom, reached out and asked how we were doing. He wanted to see if we had all we needed. Our relationship is brand new, and we know so little about each other. It touched my heart because we were present in his thoughts. He took action to let us know he cares. Love does not hide well. It makes itself known one way or another.
People's negative behavior gives us opportunities too. We can pray for them, of course. We can also be patient and compassionate realizing fear is motivating them. We can be a calming influence, look for opportunities to share God's love story, and find practical ways to minister to their troubled souls. From personal experience with a grumpy, pain in the butt, old guy, it may seem like you are not making any inroads, but years later, they may tell you how something you said or did blessed them.
We learn more about ourselves during trying times. Weaknesses will be brought out which gives us an opportunity to repent and grow in Christ. We may also learn about hidden strength within ourselves. A certain topic of Bible study we had overlooked before may become very relevant. Troubling times bring opportunity to work on our inner person so we can expand our ministry and shine more for Christ.
We have a great opportunity right now to minister to our shut in community of special needs children, elderly, and disabled people. I have seen many of them very afraid and depressed lately. They certainly can use a friendly word and encouragement through a window, the phone, or a computer. Snail mail is most welcomed too. They may need groceries or prepared frozen meals. Neighbors who have special needs or are cancer patients need sanitation items and groceries dropped off on a porch. Elderly friends are so afraid to go out right now, so they need help getting prescriptions filled. Some people have lunch meat, but they can't find bread. So, a home baked loaf is much appreciated from those who have the skill. People who have CPAP machines need distilled water which is hard to find. There are suddenly so many wonderful opportunities to serve our Risen Savior!
Being in the large family community, I know many of our large family friends are struggling to buy what they need each week due to the limitations.* Adding a few things to your grocery order that you won't use could be helpful to those families. Nurses are asking people to sew masks for them. People on special diets are having a hard time locating specialty items like gluten free breads. The list of needs goes on and on. For the ministry minded Christian, there is an endless list of how we can serve others.
Dear Reader, How will you look back on your actions during this pivotal moment in history? Will you remember it as a time you complained loudly, allowed moods to dictate your behavior, and, motivated by fear and self preservation, hoarded items? Or, will you remember it as a time you served the Most High by being generous with others? Were you looking out for yourself or were you His servant? When hard times come, so much is revealed about our hidden person. Hard times can also be a training ground to experience personal growth and develop godly character. I am praying that you clearly hear God's will for you during this time and respond quickly to whatever He puts on your heart. Will you pray the same for me and my family? We are sincere in our desire to glorify the Lord, and we hope you are too.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:29-31
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10
The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.
Habakkuk 3:19
eager to control you
"You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master." –Genesis 4:7
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Easy Bread Recipe
For my "other" children...
Try this recipe for "pan bread" as we called it back in the day. You don't need an oven. It will cook on a stove top, hot plate, or electric skillet. It's easy and even you "non-cooks" should be able to figure it out. We ate it with molasses which has health benefits. No molasses? Use honey. No honey, use jelly. No jelly, use butter. No butter, use cinnamon and sugar. No cinnamon and sugar, you better head on over with your blankets and pillow.
a big smile and all my love,
Mama Asbell/Aunt Wendy/(fill in the blank)'s Mom
Try this recipe for "pan bread" as we called it back in the day. You don't need an oven. It will cook on a stove top, hot plate, or electric skillet. It's easy and even you "non-cooks" should be able to figure it out. We ate it with molasses which has health benefits. No molasses? Use honey. No honey, use jelly. No jelly, use butter. No butter, use cinnamon and sugar. No cinnamon and sugar, you better head on over with your blankets and pillow.
a big smile and all my love,
Mama Asbell/Aunt Wendy/(fill in the blank)'s Mom
Heads Up Possible Lockdown
If you need to travel to James City County or Williamsburg for anything, please do so asap. My family who works there received a letter requesting they are granted permission to travel to and from work because they are essential personnel. Based on that, we are thinking JCC/W may soon be locked down.
Coronavirus and Our Neighbor
Good morning!
It is raining. The yard has puddles everywhere. I have not heard the geese passing by the windows, so I think they are under a building sheltering. There is a stark contrast from the grey sky and the brilliant white of the pear blossoms.
We did our disabled neighbor's shopping this week. No one else would go. I guess they are scared of getting sick. "T" cannot easily leave home without a lot of trouble, so he has not seen the barren shelves in the stores.
He can be...particular...about his groceries. Knowing that, I was concerned about not pleasing him as I made the purchases with the shortages and limitations. I joked with the cashier that I'd have our neighbor call her so she could explain.
As it turned out, T was very thankful for what was found. I am praying his aids will continue to take care of him even if this gets bad. They have a history of being "unavailable" when extreme situations arise. We can't let him not have medical care, go hungry, sit for long in his own waste, or be stuck in his bed (or chair). If needed, we will figure this out as we go along.
We did not let him pay us for the groceries. We suggested he take the money and purchase more for himself. He would not have any of it and blessed us with some deer and squirrel he harvested. This was accomplished by him asking Emily what her favorite wild animal was. She said deer, and then a large frozen portion of one was put into her arms quickly followed by three frozen squirrels in zipper bags. I wish you could have seen her expression! I wish you could have heard her relaying the story. LOL! Country life!
For those who don't know, T has muscular dystrophy and is bed bound until someone puts him in his wheelchair. Then, he is chair bound until someone puts him back into bed. With only one good arm and a warrior like attitude, he hunts, fishes, cooks, cleans, and makes crab pots to sell.
Real heroes don't play sports and make millions. They are all around us marching along as best they can in very difficult circumstances with a champion mindset. They are for the most part unnoticed by the media and often need a helping hand.
It is raining. The yard has puddles everywhere. I have not heard the geese passing by the windows, so I think they are under a building sheltering. There is a stark contrast from the grey sky and the brilliant white of the pear blossoms.
We did our disabled neighbor's shopping this week. No one else would go. I guess they are scared of getting sick. "T" cannot easily leave home without a lot of trouble, so he has not seen the barren shelves in the stores.
He can be...particular...about his groceries. Knowing that, I was concerned about not pleasing him as I made the purchases with the shortages and limitations. I joked with the cashier that I'd have our neighbor call her so she could explain.
As it turned out, T was very thankful for what was found. I am praying his aids will continue to take care of him even if this gets bad. They have a history of being "unavailable" when extreme situations arise. We can't let him not have medical care, go hungry, sit for long in his own waste, or be stuck in his bed (or chair). If needed, we will figure this out as we go along.
We did not let him pay us for the groceries. We suggested he take the money and purchase more for himself. He would not have any of it and blessed us with some deer and squirrel he harvested. This was accomplished by him asking Emily what her favorite wild animal was. She said deer, and then a large frozen portion of one was put into her arms quickly followed by three frozen squirrels in zipper bags. I wish you could have seen her expression! I wish you could have heard her relaying the story. LOL! Country life!
For those who don't know, T has muscular dystrophy and is bed bound until someone puts him in his wheelchair. Then, he is chair bound until someone puts him back into bed. With only one good arm and a warrior like attitude, he hunts, fishes, cooks, cleans, and makes crab pots to sell.
Real heroes don't play sports and make millions. They are all around us marching along as best they can in very difficult circumstances with a champion mindset. They are for the most part unnoticed by the media and often need a helping hand.
A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself;
but the simple pass on, and are punished.
Proverbs 27:12
There were 100 more cases reported in our state today for a total of 391.
Caleb's Wavy Flag
Caleb sells unfinished ones for $175 each. Contact the email in the header of this page for his information.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Two Flowers, Two Bees
the earth will be filled
with an awareness
of the glory of the LORD.
Habakkuk 2:14
Monday, March 23, 2020
Coronavirus Update
Good late morning! It's a quiet, rainy morning here on the coast. The sky is a very light grey, but there is new green on the ground. I see more buds on some trees, and the bluebirds that occupy Caleb's birdhouses are definitely twitterpated. So are our geese, and we have at least one starting to lay eggs in a nest! It is suppose to rain all day, so this is a day I will make my own sunshine with the radio and light-heartedness with the family. It's chilly enough we had to light a fire in our woodstove..which I had already cleaned out for the season. I will share how Clint's second job and our neighbor are affected by Covid later in the week. The already scheduled posts will continue to run. It's just too much work during a busy season to reschedule all of them.
The Virginia Coronavirus Map is updated around 1-2 p.m. each day. There is another map on the Virginia Department of Health's website here.
The number of cases in the immediate area where Clint, Brandon, and Amanda are employed is now at 32 for James City County and 5 for Williamsburg with a total of 4 souls who have passed away. These two areas overlap right where they work, and I will combine the totals in future posts on Covid-19. (The new total for Monday is 39.) In our hometown of Suffolk, there is one case, but we know of 24 people that are being monitored due to proximity. We heard the one case was coming early to Suffolk because a friend was at the doctor's office when it was suddenly evacuated and taped off.
Following what other states have done, Virginia, our state, closed schools for the rest of the year and closed nonessential businesses starting today at 5. We learned CFA will stay open due to an exception the President made to give people as many options for food as possible. So, no one in our immediate family is affected by the closures. However, our outer family is affected and will be hit especially hard. Please join us in praying for them.
Clint is feeling much better from whatever virus our family has been battling. He has some fatigue, but it is not as bad. Caleb still has not come down with it. I am still coughing a lot. I have started using a tip I learned from a loved one who had, and passed, from COPD. When you feel a cough coming on, take in as deep a breath as you can. Then cough a little more forcefully. This does seem to help, but it has left my back muscles sore. I feel a better, but I am still coughing a lot, having chills now and then, and feel very tired. I am about a week behind Clint, so hopefully in coming days I will see a return in energy.
Our local grocery stores had even less food in them this week. It is hard for my 51 year old mind to comprehend that here in America, always a land of plenty, that we have empty shelves and severe limits on purchases. Yet here we are. I have a doctor friend who worked in Venezuela and said this is what it was like there after socialism took root except there would be long, long lines of people waiting until the item ran out.
Last week, I had a head's up from a local grocery store worker who told me less and less meat is coming in on the trucks. In fact, she told me the trucks were not even filled. She has seen trucks arrive half or more empty. They get what they get each day. That's it. There is no ordering to refill shelves based on inventory. That portion of the company's internal website is blocked. The individual stores are at the mercy of the warehouses. If they get in a high demand item, it is now usually a very small quantity and one brand. No longer are people picky about having only a certain brand. They are learning to be thankful to have a need filled.
While multitudes are buying much more than normal, I am only trying replace what our family uses each week. That is very hard for a large family when the limits are one item per purchase. I share that to give perspective, but please don't be worried for us. We are very good at this point. We are also working on putting in our garden, but it is slow going with Clint and I sick and the rains.
The Virginia Coronavirus Map is updated around 1-2 p.m. each day. There is another map on the Virginia Department of Health's website here.
The number of cases in the immediate area where Clint, Brandon, and Amanda are employed is now at 32 for James City County and 5 for Williamsburg with a total of 4 souls who have passed away. These two areas overlap right where they work, and I will combine the totals in future posts on Covid-19. (The new total for Monday is 39.) In our hometown of Suffolk, there is one case, but we know of 24 people that are being monitored due to proximity. We heard the one case was coming early to Suffolk because a friend was at the doctor's office when it was suddenly evacuated and taped off.
Following what other states have done, Virginia, our state, closed schools for the rest of the year and closed nonessential businesses starting today at 5. We learned CFA will stay open due to an exception the President made to give people as many options for food as possible. So, no one in our immediate family is affected by the closures. However, our outer family is affected and will be hit especially hard. Please join us in praying for them.
Clint is feeling much better from whatever virus our family has been battling. He has some fatigue, but it is not as bad. Caleb still has not come down with it. I am still coughing a lot. I have started using a tip I learned from a loved one who had, and passed, from COPD. When you feel a cough coming on, take in as deep a breath as you can. Then cough a little more forcefully. This does seem to help, but it has left my back muscles sore. I feel a better, but I am still coughing a lot, having chills now and then, and feel very tired. I am about a week behind Clint, so hopefully in coming days I will see a return in energy.
Our local grocery stores had even less food in them this week. It is hard for my 51 year old mind to comprehend that here in America, always a land of plenty, that we have empty shelves and severe limits on purchases. Yet here we are. I have a doctor friend who worked in Venezuela and said this is what it was like there after socialism took root except there would be long, long lines of people waiting until the item ran out.
Last week, I had a head's up from a local grocery store worker who told me less and less meat is coming in on the trucks. In fact, she told me the trucks were not even filled. She has seen trucks arrive half or more empty. They get what they get each day. That's it. There is no ordering to refill shelves based on inventory. That portion of the company's internal website is blocked. The individual stores are at the mercy of the warehouses. If they get in a high demand item, it is now usually a very small quantity and one brand. No longer are people picky about having only a certain brand. They are learning to be thankful to have a need filled.
some pinto beans (brown boxes)
Rice goes in the empty spaces.
Rice goes in the empty spaces.
Only the higher priced milk was left.
These signs are all over the store.
You can see some of them in the other photos Clint took.
frozen meats
While multitudes are buying much more than normal, I am only trying replace what our family uses each week. That is very hard for a large family when the limits are one item per purchase. I share that to give perspective, but please don't be worried for us. We are very good at this point. We are also working on putting in our garden, but it is slow going with Clint and I sick and the rains.
Our groceries from Sam's Club usually fill the cargo area and the back two bench seats and floor under them in our suburban. They average $300+ which does not include our stops at Walmart and Food Lion. This was the haul from Sam's Club this week. We aren't complaining. We are thankful for what we found. We are simply noting the differences. Clint found us 10 lbs of chicken leg quarters from Food Lion. We also managed six pounds of fresh green beans by going to three different stores. We normally purchase eight to ten pounds at a time, so it wasn't too far off from normal. We just had to look harder for it.
Dear Reader, things are hard all over the world right now. It's a time where many are very fearful for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. I believe God will use this virus to shake many awake. Please join me in prayer that multitudes will repent, surrender, and obey the one true God! If you do not know Him, I encourage you to consider a relationship with Him today. I will testify that knowing Him makes all the difference in this life and especially during trying circumstances. What He asks of us is so very little compared to what He gives us. I know I would not trade the peace I have in my heart during this "big scary event" for anything. Having an intimate relationship with him gives me that peace! I am praying the Lord works in your heart to draw you closer to Him, protects you and yours, and provides for all of your needs.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
The Lord says, “If someone trusts me, I will save them.
I will protect my followers who call to me for help.
When my followers call to me, I will answer them.
I will be with them when they are in trouble.
I will rescue them and honor them.
I will give my followers a long life
and show them my power to save.”
I will protect my followers who call to me for help.
When my followers call to me, I will answer them.
I will be with them when they are in trouble.
I will rescue them and honor them.
I will give my followers a long life
and show them my power to save.”
Psalm 91:14-16
Sunday, March 22, 2020
contrary practices
I was talking to Clint about how I was perplexed at how someone can be in the presence of such good Bible teaching multiple times a week and behave so contrary to what they've been taught from Scripture and what they claim to believe and practice.
Clint said, "Judas experienced Jesus's teaching firsthand. Look at his behavior."
Clint said, "Judas experienced Jesus's teaching firsthand. Look at his behavior."
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Just in case you think I don't understand...
Virginia Map of Coronavirus Cases click for interactive map
This coronavirus map has a column for how many positive cases per million.
There are 23 positive cases immediately in the area where three in our family work. Two patients died in the hospital we use. This area is one of the biggest clusters in the state and the biggest in our region of the state. There is one case confirmed where we live, and we expect other cases to follow. While our risk is relatively low, we are still mindful it is very close to home.
Brandon has been sent home to work unless there is a technical issue. He will have to go if he can't resolve it at home. Clint and Amanda are critical employees who oversee others and different parts of production. Both of them are working longer hours. They may end up having to stay on site to keep the equipment running. All of them have stopped going out for lunch, getting gas, and shopping in that area to reduce our family's risk.
Where our three work is critical infrastructure in the food supply chain. Their employer has been notified by the federal government that they are needed to keep the food chain going. Even if there is a mandatory shut down due to the infection rates rising, they will still have to go to work to keep food moving to citizens. If you have been to a grocery store lately, you realize how important that has become.
Our two youngest sons work in fast food where they are exposed to a lot of people. The dining area has been closed, but people are still coming inside for take out and catering orders. Even though the menu and hours have been reduced, they are still seeing a steady stream of drive thru customers. It's actually increased to the point they are experimenting with new ways to move the orders through. Both of them have keys to the restaurant and are important to keep things operating.
While I use humor to help with the stress level, I do realize the risk and the seriousness of the situation. We have high risk individuals in our outer family and in our circle of dear friends. Nearly all of them are stuck at home, and some are alone. A few of them really struggle hard with depression, so we are trying to help them along even if it's from a distance.
My husband has something in his chest that he can't shake. I don't know what CoVid-19 might do on top of that. I have the same thing and also have EBV. Clint's been battling this respiratory virus for close to three weeks, me for two. Our children shook it off very easily. Whatever this is went straight to our chests. We are improving, but it's definitely taking its sweet time.
I am concerned about many things, but I take them to the Lord. I talk to Him all day long as things come up, and He gives me peace. He had me prepare my family very early, and I was able to be two and three steps ahead of the masses all across the board. Reflecting on that reminds me He is looking after us which gives me great peace. I have gone above and beyond doing every practical thing I can do to prepare my family for this situation. I can't change the situation, but I can control my reaction to it. I can set the tone for my household and help alleviate their stress.
It's my personality to be fun loving and playful. My friends and family will tell you (or warn you) that I can bring the laughter. If I am relaxed around you, a shopping trip with me at my best is one you will remember for years. I usually draw strangers into it and will have several of them laughing along. I am a joyful person and want everyone around me to be happy. It's who God made me to be, and in times like these, I am thankful to be able to minister to others in a way that lightens their load even if it's for just a few minutes.
So yeah, I know it's serious. My family is working in a potential epicenter for our state. The God I trust to watch over them is all powerful, all knowing, and present everywhere. He is the God who parted the Red Seas, sheltered David from King Saul, spared Noah and his family from the flood, and gave Sarah a baby in her old age. My God can do anything! Why would I choose to live in a state of fear when I can choose live in His presence through prayer and worship?
So yeah, I know it's serious. My family is working in a potential epicenter for our state. The God I trust to watch over them is all powerful, all knowing, and present everywhere. He is the God who parted the Red Seas, sheltered David from King Saul, spared Noah and his family from the flood, and gave Sarah a baby in her old age. My God can do anything! Why would I choose to live in a state of fear when I can choose live in His presence through prayer and worship?
Dear Reader, we are praying God's protection and provision over you and your loved ones. My family is also asking the Lord to bless you with His peace. Coronavirus didn't come as a surprise to the Lord. He is bigger and has more power than this global pandemic. This is a great time to practice your faith and deepen your relationship with Him..or to begin one. If you are local, and there is a way we can help you at this time, please ask. We aren't wealthy, but we probably can spare a meal or a roll of TP.
adult children,
clint's work,
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