Friday, November 09, 2018

I Can't Wait to See Where It Turns Up Next


Ever since our first two children were young, we've been playing the SHMILY game. It is where you hide an object with SHMILY (See How Much I Love You) written on it to let your family members know you love them. Whoever finds it gets to hide it next. We write SHMILY on more interesting objects now. It's become a lot more fun too.

This picture may or may not include 5' long realistic looking rubber black snake I was given so I could write descriptive ad copy for a business that sells toys. I may or may not have enlisted Joshua's help to hide it in Amanda's house for some Asbell fun while she was at work. I may or may not have suggested wrapping it around the bottom of her washing machine. Joshua may or may not have thought woven in and out of covers and pillows in her bed was a much better place to hide it. I'm not admitting to anything. ;-)

Amanda came home smiling with the snake in her hands. She was laughing as she told us how she found it. 

Amanda said she felt it, jumped out of bed, and "even screamed a little." Then she thought it was us having fun with her, but her room is darkened so she can sleep better in the daytime. Since the light was dim, she couldn't tell for sure and wasn't taking any chances it was real. "I mean, can you imagine grabbing it thinking it was fake and it be real while you are in the dark?!" So, she threw shoes at it until she was sure!  

I laughed and told her to be sure to return it so the fun can continue. 

She gave me a pointed look and said, "Oh, I will! You can be sure of it!" 

I can't wait! Amanda will think about it and try to come up with a good place and time I won't be expecting it. She's fun like that! 

Joshua loved it! His placement got his sister, and I am going to take the heat for it. 

I texted Brandon and told him about it. He got the biggest kick out of it. I told him since he enjoyed the story so much, I'd make sure he got in on the fun too. 

SHMILY is also a great way our adult children can keep interacting in a fun way with our younger children. It's something every family member no matter their age can do and enjoys. 

Now, our family loves having fun with each other, and we are all pretty easy going and can take a joke well. If it isn't fun for all, it isn't fun for any. Having fun or being mean is all about what is in the heart and knowing how it will be taken. We don't play around with anyone we think would react negatively because it will only breed anger and other "weeds" in their heart. Fun builds a relationship, but angry or hurt feelings are detrimental. 

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.