Saturday, June 12, 2021

Gardening Mother of Many Tip

Large Family / Gardening /  Homesteading / Self-Sufficiency Tip: Divide and plant every potato that sprouts. 

Some people will hem and haw and tell you grocery store potatoes can't be grown. When I have asked these people how many they have chitted and planted and how many times they have tried to do it, the answers are usually none to once. "I heard they had something on them to keep them from sprouting." I keep a pile of potatoes on hand and mine are always sprouting. Yes, the ones from the grocery store can be planted! I do it all of the time with SUCCESS! 

I plant potatoes year-round. Mine are planted on top of the ground because our ground is often wet. The method in this video is very similar to what I do in my garden for potatoes. I also use 5-gallon buckets with holes drilled in the bottoms. I used the buckets initially for tomatoes, but the tomatoes did not do well in them. I think they overheated. Even the tomato plants in the white buckets seemed to be stressed from the heat. For potatoes, I even use recycled woven plastic feed bags. The fun thing about gardening is there aren't many hard and fast rules. If something does not work, you can try another method.

Dear Reader, If I had listened to all of the naysayers, I would not have accomplished half of what I have. There are more people repeating "it can't be done" because they heard it somewhere else than people actually DOING THINGS. Don't be afraid to TRY. My love to all!