Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Teaching Skills

A female friend of Caleb's asked him if he would change her oil. He told her he would TEACH her how to change her own oil so she can be independent in that area. It will take more of his limited time to teach her than to do it himself, but it's a skill he can give her that she can take into her future. Then she can pass it on by teaching her younger brother when it is his turn to learn. She can also change the oil in her mother's car to help her save money.

Amanda also teaches friends how to work on their cars when she is able. One woman told her, "This is easier than I thought it would be."

There are many young people in our county who know how to do some work on their cars because of Caleb and Amanda teaching them. Quite a few times, the people they help learn grew enough confidence to try other maintenance and repairs on their cars.

My children were taught these skills by their AMAZING DADDY! Clint's time in teaching them is reaping rewards far beyond what we expected!