Thursday, October 28, 2021

Marshall, NC

Brandon just returned from a trip to beautiful Marshall, NC to meet and give orientation to his newest hire. He also met with other employees in the plant and worked to set up and improve things in the IT department. 

Brandon is the boss for six industrial plants spread out in the United States. He was just given a raise for the excellent job he is doing. His current boss said he is ready to step into her role when she leaves in a few years if he wants it. He has her recommendation for the job.

We are very proud of Brandon! When he was hired in his starting position, he was the youngest IT person the company had ever hired. He took over the IT work in two industrial plants. He was chosen over people with more experience because he presented himself better and also had the credentials (college degree, certificates) that no one else had obtained. He has continued to move right up the ladder!

While Brandon was away, his two geese, many ducks, and Girly stayed here. The two cats and 12 parakeets stayed home with auto feeders with cameras monitoring them. He's an IT guy, so his home is just as "smart" as you would expect.

I had encouraged Brandon to stay an extra couple of days and explore. After a week of the hotel, business meetings, and restaurants, he missed his family. He left at 5:30 a.m. so he could spend the rest of the weekend hanging out with us.

When he arrived back in town, he didn't go home first. He drove directly to see his mama! All smiles, I ran out the door and gave him a big hug! :-)