Friday, October 15, 2021

Regarding Tattler Gaskets and Used Canning Lids

"I am a certified Master Food Preserver in Amador County California and wanted to share this: Please read for all you new and seasoned canners.

Apparently, there are some folks on youtube promoting a new and dangerous practice involving Tattler gaskets. The company reached out to me and ask me to spread the word on this.

The dangerous practice is using the Tattler gasket with used metal lids. While you may get a seal on a jar doing this, there is no reason to believe it is a true seal and it is unlikely that it will hold long term. The gaskets are made to work with the rigid Tattler lids, which are reusable. Regular lids are not made to be reused.

The concern that I share with the Tattler folks is that folks will put up hundreds of jars using this gimmick, only to suffer mass loss of food a few months down the road.

I get it. Lids are scarce. The market is flooded with trashy knock offs. Folks are frustrated trying to find lids, but let me assure you, this is not the answer. Canning is hard work and food is expensive.

I hope you don't gamble both your money and your labor on some hair-brained idea from youtube. Remember, folks on youtube get paid per click and there will always be folks who will tell you ANYTHING to get a click.