Monday, April 25, 2022

Dear Reader, Today is one of my days to get a little time with the Lord. I have been doing this since I was a young wife (before children). I had no solid Christian role models around me, so I would ask the Lord questions and open my Bible for the answers. He never failed me in supplying the answers. I still have the Bible I used while doing those studies with the notes and dates in the margins. My daughters love to take it to their rooms and read it now. I so love where He has led me in this journey of life. 

This is from one of the many videos I have watched so far today. A lot of my friends and some of my family have been sharing how they are struggling with fear and anxiety, so I thought I would take a break and share it now. I found it very comforting and hope you will also.

Starting around 32 minutes, Andy Woods gives examples of how God has handled big armies in the past. I found that very comforting! God has many tools in His arsenal and has the ability to handle everything we see happening around us today.

Nothing going on right now in our big scary world is a surprise to Him. There are a lot of troubled waters surrounding us today. We must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and, like Peter, keep our eyes on (trust in) Jesus.