Thursday, April 28, 2022

How to Prevent or Eradicate Fungus Gnats

I keep getting this question, so I am sharing my answer here:

"I very rarely see one. I think it is because I use hydrogen peroxide when I water. I use a few tablespoons per gallon. If he has a problem he may want to go as strong as one half to one cup of peroxide to four cups of water depending on the severity. They also like moisture so I don't leave any standing water under my plants. After I water them, I wait an hour and then drain all of the extra liquid off.  I give the plants an hour to drink all that they need and for the soil to get fully saturated. Whatever I pour off goes into the pots outside*. I try to use quality bagged soil when I plant in the house because eggs can be carried from the soil. Diluted neem oil will kill them too. When you are trying to kill them with the hydrogen peroxide or the neem, you want to really water them thoroughly so that every part of the soil and underneath the pots gets covered."

*is so the fertilizer does not get wasted

My love to all! :-)