Monday, November 28, 2022

54 Years Closer to Meeting Jesus Face to Face

the sunrise from the precarious place
It was much prettier in person with so many colors the camera did not capture.

It's my 54th birthday!

My husband and children gave me a party on Saturday so Brandon could be there before he left for a month. He will be in Memphis until just before Christmas. Our gang showered me with thoughtful gifts and a ton of love. Today, on my actual birthday, I am spending time alone with the One who loves me more than any other doing Bible studies. 

God has his own name for us, and I am eager to hear mine. I am eager to worship Him in His presence and thank Him for all He has done for me. I'm so weary of this world and its many facets of brokenness, but I also want more time with my family and to keep telling others about Jesus.

If you scroll down the blog, you will see where Clint, our two youngest girls, and myself were stranded in a remote area in a precarious position. I was unable to sleep that night, so I chose to sit up in one of the chairs we had brought along for our breaks from the truck. 

That night and the next morning were very special to me.  It was "me and God" time. I thanked Him and talked with Him. I prayed for people I care about off and on all night. I invited Him to watch the sunrise with me. I am so thankful I had those unique circumstances that created those precious moments. I will treasure that night and that sunrise forever. 

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Jesus! My husband, children, and home.  My external family members and Christian friends who check in on me, uplift me in prayer and encourage me when I need it. Ministry opportunities. Abundance and the ability to share God's provision with others. Plenty to keep me busy and challenge my mind. So many answered prayers in this last year. 

My health is nearly excellent except when I am battling CA-EBV which is mild compared to many others who have it. The flare-ups are less frequent than they use to be, but I've been dealing with one lately. The herbal medicine I am taking now is working to knock it down. I'm almost 100% but not quite there yet. I am not on any Rx medications and do not wear Rx glasses. I rarely have pain in my joints. 

I just moved two large pieces of crate furniture and several other large pieces around someone's house by myself. I'm still fairly strong and my mind is still sharp.

If you've read the aforementioned post, you know I was just mistaken for my late 20s. I think she must have been heavily vision impaired, but I'll take the compliment. :-)

I could be weak-minded and find many things to be offended over and complain about, but I choose to focus my mind on the just, pure, lovely, of good report, and anything that has virtue. (Philippians 4:8) God's Word has given me a strong mind and following His ways for self-disciplining my mind has carried me through some very challenging situations.

You know, I came to salvation and gave my life to Jesus in my first decade. "Gave my life" means I tried to give up doing what came naturally in the flesh and tried to walk in the spirit according to His Word. I have tried but have not been perfect in that. Even with my imperfect performance, He has seen my efforts and has blessed me with a fantastic life in return. I've lost nothing of value but have gained so very, very much. I give so very little, but God gives so very much!

Lord, help me to live my very best for your glory. That grace that you applied (and continue to apply) so generously to me, help me to apply it generously to others. Help me to love like you love. Help me be better tomorrow than I am today. And, thank you, Lord, for joining me for that special sunrise!

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21