Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Beware of The "Train"

This will probably offend a good portion of my readers, but I am going to share it anyway. 

A large portion of Christians turn a blind eye to sin and think it is harmless. Even worse, they laugh at it when it is sold to them as "entertainment." They memorize and sing the lyrics of evil while their Bibles, the very "letter of God," grow dusty from neglect. They dance vulgar dances. They dress like the worldly do. They accept sin when the world or culture says it is good. Most don't even acknowledge or live like we are in a spiritual war. They've let down their guard. They don't read their Bible, so they are not renewing their minds to become wiser and stronger. They do not engage in critical thinking and are easy to deceive. They are so asleep they couldn't spot evil if it wrote itself on their foreheads.

The overwhelming majority of Christians are excited because of the recent announcement. They are eager for that "Train" to get going again. I am not going to use his name for a reason. 

I admit I voted that way and rode that train until some observations had me questioning things and watching more closely. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. In fact, the further this goes along, the more certain I am. 

My opinion is that both men and both parties are two sides of the same coin and serve the same master. They are puppets. Actors. Working for evil. 

There are many things I have observed and things I uncovered in research that made me form the opinion that the Train is not a good one.

Our enemy is a very intelligent, very cunning deceiver. He is the father of lies. Do you think you can outwit him? or do you need to plead with the Holy Spirit for understanding and wisdom in these last moments before the end times begin?

Dear Reader, I don't ask you to accept or even consider my opinion. I hope you will ask the Lord for wisdom and understanding. I hope that your eyes are open to what is really happening and that you are engaging in critical thinking. Please don't give your trust away easily to anyone. Put your guard up and observe all you can. Stay frosty. Don't let emotion lead you. Form opinions and make decisions with your intellect. This is not a time to be weak-minded or turn a blind eye. We are engaged in a raging war. Keep your eyes on Jesus!

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
Romans 10:9