Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Spiders Round Two


This is what she found when she arrived home. One spider was under the jar.

While our seven children were small, we use to hide all sorts of things with SHMILY (See How Much I Love You) written on them. This is just a grown-up extension of that. 


It is a little thing.


She still hasn't found the one I put in her Midol.


I also left this sign and gourmet pretzels on her pillow. I will never get another chance to hide those spiders because she will hide the jar from now on. Her mama didn't raise a dummy!


Clint and I laughed so hard at this text.


She was so proud of herself for finding 108 of the 240 original spiders too. Now she starts all over with 479 to find. She found one spider in pair of her work clothes and gave it to a coworker/long-time family friend. Jim S. said he's going to put it to use. 😃


Amanda texted me from when she arrived home until she fell asleep. When Clint prayed last night, he gave thanks for the gift of Amanda and the relationship we have with her.

This morning, I was hearing from her again about what was going on at work. I sent her this...


Love can be warm and fuzzy, but it can also be playful or even both at the same time.

I am so very thankful for women, like Mama Beale, who God pointed out to me as good mothers so I could learn from them. Mama Beale exampled that love isn't always pretty or easy, but it stands strong while not compromising on God's Word. I so admire her for all she has endured while remaining steadfast as a loving and caring mother. I would not be here in this relationship with Amanda today if it were not for Mama B's shining example of faith and motherhood.

I Corinthians 13:7
(Love) Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Love is an action verb and true love endures! You can tell who loves you by who is still walking beside you.