Sunday, February 12, 2023

Do you see yourself in any of these examples?

"Maybe you’re stridently committed to a political party or ideology, to the point that it has become your god. You’ve heard what the Bible has to say on the issues of the day, but if it disagrees with your political stances, you refuse to accept its truths.

Or perhaps you view the Gospel of Jesus Christ as irrelevant to your life. It’s great for other people, but not for you. Life is going well, and you simply don’t see the need for God, much less a Savior.

Or could it be that you consider yourself a Christian, or at least a spiritual person, but you have yet to surrender to Christ, and therefore you haven’t experienced the hope, forgiveness, love and peace that He offers? You’re skimming the surface, checking the box, maybe even borrowing from various worldviews to form a “religion” that works for you.

If you recognize that one of these examples describes your situation, it could be that there is an issue of pride holding you back from surrendering to Christ as Savior. The Bible has a lot to say about pride and its consequences.

For instance, Proverbs 16:18 reads, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Psalm 10:4: “In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, ‘There is no God.’”

Pride causes you to build yourself up to a level greater than God, focusing on yourself instead of on Him. It leaves no room for the Savior, and it sets you on a very dangerous path.

The other side of this coin is pleasure, which often goes hand in hand with pride. Many refuse to turn to Christ because they find fleeting pleasure in the things of this world.

For people like this, their god is usually sex, pornography, relationships, alcohol, drugs, money or materialism. They’re trying to “live their best life” and “follow their heart,” focusing on the moment rather than their eternal soul. They want to be comfortable, have the newest toys and satisfy all of their desires. This puts up a wall that keeps them from seeing their need for God." Read the rest--> Source