Thursday, February 09, 2023

Things are Falling Into Place

If we believe we are right on the cusp of the great time of trouble known as the Tribulation, it would make sense we would see things setting up for those events.

If you are awake and watching, you know these links are just the tip of the iceberg. I wanted to point out prophetic things are setting the world up for the Tribulation in hopes it might wake up a few more Christians and maybe lead a few souls to the Lord.


Of course, you remember CoVid. Did you know Bell G8z is predicting a deadlier pandemic of manmade origins? Right now, we are dealing with:

Peru reports hundreds of sea lion deaths due to bird flu

"It is rare that  jumps over into mammals—and rarer still that humans catch the potentially deadly virus.

But the virus has recently been found in foxes and otters in Britain, a cat in France, and grizzly bears in Montana. All the mammals were suspected to have eaten infected birds."


The grocery price freeze is over — so brace yourself for even bigger food bills soon

New Zealand one of few island nations with the potential to produce enough food in a nuclear winter, researchers say

Why Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand

Food Shortages Are Starting To Become Quite Serious All Over The Planet (ALSO MENTIONS CHICKEN LAYING ISSUES)

2023 Crop Predictions based on weather outlook

Canadian dairy farmer is speaking out after being forced to dump thousands of liters of milk after exceeding the government’s production quota.

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

UN chief says world is heading towards 'wider war,' issuing warnings for 2023

'I fear the world is not sleepwalking. I fear it is doing so with its eyes wide open,' Guterres says

North Korean Leader Orders Military to Improve War Readiness

Iran unveils underground base in response to US-Israel exercises

An adviser to the Ukrainian military told the Financial Times that Kyiv had obtained “very solid intelligence of intent” by Russia to launch the attack, adding that it could come within 10 days.

Russia warns it will ‘gain world’s attention’ on first anniversary of Ukraine war

Iran displays ballistic missile with ‘Death to Israel’ written in Hebrew


Buffalo, New York, area is hit with the strongest earthquake in 40 years

Interesting correlation in timing to the earthquake: This week, nine Western nations either closed down their consulates in Istanbul or issued travel warnings to citizens visiting Turkey, citing security threats.

Also look into the strange cloud that appeared over Turkey 18 days before the earthquake that closely mirrored the earthquake map.

Quakes Global Incident Map

Earthquake information and forecasts  Dutchsinse

One World Government/One World Currency Technology:

The CEO of America's second-largest bank is preparing for possible US debt default

Here’s how OpenAI’s ChatGPT can be used to launch cyberattacks

ChatGPT’s potential to aid attackers puts IT pros on high alert

51% of IT professionals predict that we are less than a year away from a successful cyberattack being credited to ChatGPT, and 71% believe that foreign states are likely to already be using the technology for malicious purposes against other nations, according to BlackBerry.

The People Onscreen Are Fake. The Disinformation Is Real.

The Giant statue to be displayed across 21 cities - TODAY

Third Temple: What Do Third Temple Preparations Mean for Christians?

Texas Red Heifers' Arrival Stirs Prophetic Excitement