Monday, April 10, 2023

Kentucky's Daniel Boone National Forest in the Red River Gorge District at Chimney Top




This is Chimney Rock Top in the Red River Gorge area of the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky The pictures do not do it justice. It takes your breath away!!! Emily and Hannah went ahead. When Clint and I got to the short bridge, she waited for me to see the crack and laughed and laughed and laughed when I paused. There are natural caves in the rocky mountains you can see as you travel. There are views along the way, but we could see where people had ignored the warnings to stand on cliffs to get better views.

Dear Reader, I made this post from the hotel at the halfway mark of our two-week excursion. I don't know what we will see next, but so far, the Red River Gorge has been my favorite area. I am very eager to go back to this beautiful area and do some more hiking.