Monday, July 10, 2023

Homeschooling Truths

 Your homeschool day doesn’t have to begin at 8am.

You can let your kids sleep in and you can drink an extra cup of coffee in the quiet.
You can do morning time in the afternoon.
You can do your read alouds in bed at night.
You can homeschool in the evenings, on the weekends, or during baby’s naptime.
You can get all your homeschooling done before 10am if you are early risers.
You can homeschool in the pockets of your day - when you’re in the car, waiting for an appointment, while you’re cooking dinner, or on the sidelines of a sibling’s at soccer practice.
Your homeschool rhythm doesn’t have to look anything like a traditional school day.
The beauty of homeschooling is that you get to decide what works for your family. The where, when, and how is up to you - there is no wrong way to do it.
If your family doesn’t like mornings, don’t pressure yourselves to begin your day early. This is the freedom of homeschooling.
You can build your homeschool rhythms around your work schedule, farm chores, the seasons, or sleep schedules. This is the freedom of homeschooling.
You can homeschool year-round, take a break every six weeks, or take an entire month off in the middle of the year because of illness, a new baby is born, you move across the country, or you need to care for a loved one. This is the freedom of homeschooling.
Build your homeschool around the life you actually live - not the life the system says you’re supposed to live.
*copied and pasted from Facebook, author unknown