Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Please pray for Stephen

December 20, 2023 Stephen went back to TX for another round of vaccines in the clinical trial. He has three blood clots. One is in his lungs and two are in his legs. The doctors will not allow him to fly home, so he is stuck there. His sister flew back home while his wife flew to be with him. They are hoping he can come home on Christmas. Please be praying that the clots will dissolve quickly, for his family to have a good Christmas together, for the hole in his neck to close (Doctors say it will not, but we can plead his case before the Throne of the One for Whom nothing is impossible Matthew 19:26), and that his loving caregivers know just what to say to lighten his mood.

December 5, 2023 His sister called me. They just came back from another round at the clinical trial clinic. The doctors are amazed at how fast his cancer is dying. However, he has a palm-sized hole in his neck that is open all the way down to the blood vessels that run to his brain. The pain level is excruciating because nerves are exposed. He is also having some edema in his legs. Please keep praying for Stephen and his family member who is having a hard time seeing what he is going through. Thank you to all who are praying for my friend and his family. May the Lord rain down blessings upon you for the kindness you have shown him through intercessory prayer.

November 6, 2023: The vaccine is working! The doctors say the cancer is shrinking! PTL! Stephen needs prayers that the cancer will continue shrinking and that there is no medical emergency when it breaks off. The tumor is in an area where there are many major blood vessels, so he could bleed out if it detaches in a bad way. He will continue going to the cancer treatment center every couple of weeks for about six months. May the Lord bless you for the prayers you lift on Stephen's and his family's behalf.

October 18, 2023: Please pray for my friend and brother in Christ Stephen. He is a friend I've known for a long time. He has cancer, and it is bad. He is very tired and in a lot of pain. He is in another state participating in a vaccine trial. Yesterday, they injected a new vaccine into his cancerous areas. The idea is that the body will turn and fight the cancer.