Tuesday, November 28, 2023

55 Years Closer to Meeting Jesus Face to Face!

an October sunrise in Staunton, VA
Some things are worth the effort/sacrifice to see!

The countdown continues: It's my 55th birthday! I am 55 years closer to meeting Jesus face to face!

I am very thankful I can still say I do not take any Rx medicines or wear Rx glasses. I am wearing the same readers I have been wearing for nearly a decade. I do not have any health complaints. I am still able to do whatever it is I want to do. 

This year, I completed one of the steepest, most difficult hikes that most people choose to avoid. It required extreme exertion (to the point blood vessels in both of my eyes burst), but I accomplished my goal. There was an easy way out, but I did not take it. I am proud of myself for taking on the challenge and seeing it through.

I am sharing this portion again this year because so many need to mature their minds. The Bible tells us to be "strong-minded." That takes our effort. If we don't put forth the effort, we are the opposite of strong-minded."

"I could be weak-minded and find many things to be offended over and complain about, but I choose to focus my mind on the just, pure, lovely, of good report, and anything that has virtue. (Philippians 4:8) God's Word has given me a strong mind and following His ways for self-disciplining my mind has carried me through some very challenging situations.

You know, I came to salvation and gave my life to Jesus in my first decade. "Gave my life" means I tried to give up doing what came naturally in the flesh and tried to walk in the spirit according to His Word. I have tried but have not been perfect in that. Even with my imperfect performance, He has seen my efforts and has blessed me with a fantastic life in return. I've lost nothing of value but have gained so very, very much. I give so very little, but God gives so very much! He is honest when He tells us his requirements (burdens) are light."

Lord, help me to live my very best for your glory. That grace that you applied (and continue to apply) so generously to me, help me to apply it generously to others. Help me to love like you love. Help me be better on each tomorrow than I am on each today. Help me to die to the pull of my stubborn flesh and more easily do the things You want me to do. Help me to swallow my pride and example Jesus to this dark world. Please enable me to run this race exceptionally well for your glory. Help me, Lord, to put you first in everything I do. Help me see things here on this earth with an eternal view. Let me grow in praising and worshipping you because you are so much more worthy than what I give. Finally, I ask that you bless each person who sincerely prays this prayer over my life with an abundance of Your love, protection, and provision in their lives. Give them eyes to see and ears to understand. 

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21