Thursday, August 22, 2019


Many of you know that in my travels I have been capturing pictures of wildlife with a game camera and my handheld. This lifty and shifty female raccoon is young and comes up from the East River to this deck in the evenings. My friend, the homeowner, does not mind wildlife or me trying to get better images. I took a worn, old table and put some food on it right in front of the door's window hoping it would pay off.

Sure enough, this sly little rascal came, and I was able to get a close up look at it. When the motion sensing light was on, it could not see me through the glass. When the light would go off, I'd have to freeze until the light was triggered again. At one point, we were about two inches apart with only the glass separating us. That was pretty cool!

The pictures I captured through the door were ok but not as crisp as I had wanted. So, I decided to try to open the door and snap a shot. I do not recommend anyone do this. I've been watching this particular raccoon for months. I have tested its reaction to different sounds, my movements, and lights. I became pretty good at predicting its actions. I figured it would retreat rather than become aggressive. There are a couple of very large boars (male raccoons) around this particular home that I would not attempt this with. They've run a fox off!

I went slowly and tried to be quiet. I was watching its body language and had my foot ready to close the door if needed. I was four foot from the raccoon when I snapped the pictures. You can see how well it worked out below.

taken through the glass

Bright eyes on a Bright Heart

What just happened?

looking at the green light on my camera


It decided the camera was not a good thing and quietly assumed a defensive posture and backed down the railing. Then it was gone like a "rocket!"

It came back ten minutes later and swiped the marshmallow I left as a thank you for the pictures. These are truly beautiful creatures. I love their smokey coats and bandito faces. I'll be back to this lovely home soon and will try to get more shots if she is still there.