Thursday, August 15, 2019

Victory Reflections (Hyperemesis Gravidarum)


Joy filled my heart as I watched my four men drive off for a day together visiting parts yards to find things they needed or wanted for our family's vehicles. This is a picture they sent me via text from that day.

My pregnancies were horrible, and sometimes I did not think I'd live through them. Hyperemesis gravidarum kicked my butt and made me whimper. I've been about as low with it as one can get. I prayed for death because I was so beaten physically, mentally, and emotionally by it. My hair fell out in clumps, and my teeth became loose in my gums. I often had to take it minute by minute because thinking of another day or week of being that sick was too much. By the grace of God and with a lot of help, I won! 

It was worth every moment, every bit of suffering, to get to this point in life where enjoy and I watch my husband enjoy the sons (and daughters) God gave us. Seeing Clint's joy increases mine.

I am victorious over that nasty HG!! It did not defeat me, and it did not determine how many children I would have! I have seven living children and nine with the Lord. My very hard work in bearing children is over, but I will enjoy them in this life and will know them all for an eternity. 

I want you, struggling mama, to win too! If you need a friend to encourage you and pray for you, please email me at the address in the header.

If you are a mother with severe hyperemesis gravidarum, I understand. I know it is hell on earth and in no way can be compared to morning sickness. Please see how I have survived it multiple times, and be encouraged to make the decision to let your child live. That debilitating period will pass. You will get through it. You will develop strength and endurance as you go through it. 

There will come a time when the suffering is far behind you, but the joy in your children will last and last. The things you learn about yourself and the coping skills you develop will serve you very well for the rest of your life. Don't give up! One day you too can look back and feel a sense of accomplishment and triumph at having endured through something very, very hard. 

Dear Reader, pray with me for the mothers with HG. Many kill their babies to end the severe and debilitating sickness to escape weeks/months of intense physical suffering. Pray for the doctors who treat these women to have hearts of compassion and to use effective treatments. Pray for people to come beside them and minister to them. Pray for the church to see, understand, have compassion for, and minister to these women who often become isolated in their illness.