Tuesday, February 11, 2020

“Christian junk food.”

"While there was a scattering of quality books, the large majority were “Christian junk food.” Shelf after shelf of books that focuses on the believer’s happiness and success, and very few addressing the nature of God and biblical discipleship (the real solution for happiness and success). ...

But Christian bookstores supply what people want to buy. So perhaps the question we need to ask ourselves is this: What kind of work are we equipping ourselves for with trinkets and t-shirts instead of books on discipleship training?" source: A Missionary on Furlough Walks into a Christian Bookstore…

A good way to choose Christian books to read is to read the books your pastor keeps in his library. I was blessed with an entire library from a retired pastor many years ago. The difference in the quality of content of those books and the books sold today is quite alarming. Many of the books I received from the pastor are found for free on Amazon Kindle. Hint: Read the "old dead guys of faith." You will find many of their quotes in previous blog entries. -Aunt W