Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fermenting Garlic and Honey




I was asked about my jars of honey and garlic that were sitting on my fridge. I promised I'd share here. It took me a little longer than I anticipated, but here you go:

The hardest part of this is peeling the garlic. I break the cloves up putting them tip down and pressing on them with the heel of my palm. Then, I pick out the skins and place the cloves in a jar and shake them hard. Sometimes it takes two to three "shakings" to get them all. I remove the skins and put the unpeeled ones back in the jar. I still have a few that need peeling, but they are easier to peel after shaking. This helps to remove the skins better than any other method I have experimented with to date. 

The recipe is as simple as it looks. I fill a jar 3/4 of the way with peeled garlic cloves, and then cover them with honey. I leave the lid loose so gas can escape as it ferments. The bubbles tell me it's working. I tighten the lid and shake every day or two. I turn it upside down now and then while it is still fermenting just to help it mix better. I make sure I turn them rightside up and loosen the lid so it can "burp." As the chemical changes take place inside the jar, the honey gets thinner and darkens. 

One can eat a clove or take the honey by spoon. If our throat is sore we will try to let the honey coat our throat and stay there for as long as we can. The honey and garlic can be used in cooking to add flavor too. 

It's estimated 70% of our immune system cells are in our gut  Stanford researchers learned it takes up to SIX MONTHS for certain gut flora to recover from antibiotic usage. That's a long time for a key component of our immune systems to be out of balance. Gut flora being out of balance can lead to a whole hosts of ailments, so my family tries to avoid antibiotics. 

Dear Reader, If you are not familiar with the wonderful medicinal properties of honey and garlic, I encourage you to do research for yourself so you will have another tool in your health arsenal. I shared two links below to get you started, but there is much, much more on the internet about both foods. 

Garlic and Honey source:US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

It is not good to eat much honey,
nor is it glory to search out one's own glory.
Proverbs 25:27