Monday, February 24, 2020

Flea Control Tip

This is a repeat post.

Flea Control: For flea control, we get active at the FIRST flea we see. We do not wait until it is a big problem. We bathe them more often, focus on good housekeeping, use an insect growth hormone (IGR) spray, and permethrin spray. Both of those come in a concentrate that we mix and spray. We also use beneficial nematodes sprayed on our lawn to kill fleas. I have used salt on our hardwood floors (with no ill affects to the sealed wood) to kill fleas. I just don't like doing it because it takes a few days, but it's cheap and worked great for us. Again, we start controlling them before they become a problem, so we don't get a problem. I do not put chemicals on my dogs skin because of the link to health issues.

We have also used guineas for insect control on our farm. They did a FANTASTIC job. We did not see a single flea or tick or much of any insect while we had them. We kept them until they started walking half a mile down the road to visit our neighbors. There were 40 birds, so it was something to see them marching down the road! LOL!