Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Healed Relationship

A friend* of mine gave her brother about a 1000 chances to straighten up. He was a mess! He was often found on the side of the road passed out in the mud and covered in vomit and urine. Sometimes he'd disappear for months at a time. He did horrible things and lived a very rough life. When he was brought low, he was grateful for her help and treated her well. When he returned to the drugs, he turned into someone very cruel. 

Many people in her church told her to move on and forget about him. The drugs had "too strong a grip," and he would "never get free." She wouldn't do that, but she did stop asking publicly within the church for prayer. She quietly enlisted a handful of people as prayer warriors. I prayed with her for him for over a decade. 

Very few people ever thought he would get free of the drugs, but our prayers were answered! He did finally quit the drugs and got to a much better place. He gave his life to Christ and radically changed! He even went to church and shared his testimony. My friend included me in her joy, and we rejoiced over what God had done. I can't think of this story without smiling! When God is in it, no situation is hopeless!

Not long after his conversion, he started having pain in different places. Cancer was discovered. The theory is that the drugs were masking his body's cues to what was going on within. What was treatable went unrecognized until it was too late. My friend had nine beautiful months with her brother before he died. 

If she had not kept reaching out to her brother with love, if she had not been working in her own heart through the anger and disappointment to stay humble and moldable, if she had not kept acting out her love towards her brother, if she had not overlooked his sin and seen the need... she would have missed out on something life changing and inspiring! 

She now has a powerful story she shares of reconciliation and the power of God in seemingly hopeless circumstances. If she had abandoned the relationship as others told her to do, she never would have had the privilege of leading her brother to Christ. She would have also missed out on the precious time, the sweet memories, and having the testimony of what God did! She'd have never had her faith built up so strongly either. 

Because she was faithful in the small way, God has expanded her reach for Him. She is now helping others cope with drug addicted loved ones. She has a rewarding ministry where she gets to share her brother's story which gives other addicts and families hope. God takes messes and makes them beautiful and useful! 

The Bible tells us to "defeat evil by doing good." To be effective for the Lord, we have to act differently from the world. He calls us to stand out so we don't blend in with the world. He wants us to live differently so we can get the world's attention. We are His advertisement to the world that He offers them something good! 

God calls us to a higher standard of loving and relating to one another, but wow, look at the changes we see in our lives and those around us when we do this! My friend defeated the evil her brother was doing by loving him when he was very unlovable. God did a marvelous work in so many lives because of it. To Him be the glory! He is worthy of all our praise!

Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud, but be willing to be friends with people who are not important to others. Don’t think of yourself as smarter than everyone else. If someone does you wrong, don’t try to pay them back by hurting them. Try to do what everyone thinks is right. Do the best you can to live in peace with everyone.  My friends, don’t try to punish anyone who does wrong to you. Wait for God to punish them with his anger. In the Scriptures the Lord says,
“I am the one who punishes;

    I will pay people back.” But you should do this:
“If you have enemies who are hungry,
    give them something to eat.
If you have enemies who are thirsty,
    give them something to drink.
In doing this you will make them feel ashamed.”
Don’t let evil defeat you, 
but defeat evil 
by doing good.
Romans 12:16-21

*My friend prefers I not share her name so she can continue work with families who desire privacy. In some job situations, having an addict as a family member is a liability.