Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Hobbit's Dream 1 of 3





picts by Bethany

Our family enjoyed the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien who said himself Christian symbolism could be found in his writings. We've studied the symbolism and have frequently discussed it. Our family is often making references to the movie, and we call our dining room/den cut out "Middle Earth." So, it is natural that a place built like a hobbit's house would intrigue our family members and inspire the imagination!

When we asked Joshua and Bethany what they wanted for their birthday gifts, they both said they wanted to go to Hobbit's Dream. Brandon wanted to go too, so the trip was planned. The soonest they could go was in January, so they had a long wait from September, but they all agreed it was well worth it. All three of them want to return and take more classes from the owner. Caleb wants to go next time so he can see the workshop.