Friday, March 04, 2022

Hen Pecked


This is where the term "henpecked" comes from. As with most animals, there is a hierarchy in chickens. If one steps out of line, the hens and sometimes the rooster will go at them. Sometimes it happens on other parts of the body. It can get much worse than this. Ugly stuff!

She's OK. I have her in with the rabbits for a while to allow her time to rest and heal. Usually that time of separation is enough to stop the problem. If not, I observe the situation and decide on whether to cull the one being pecked (if many hens are pecking) or the one doing the pecking (if it is limited to one hen). Culling can mean removal through a trip to another farm or it can mean a trip to Freezer Camp.

I get to deal with bumblefoot in a turkey very soon. :-P It's gross but necessary.