Friday, March 04, 2022

What a day in the life looks like...

I did a write-up like this with homeschooling many years ago...

I woke up, paid the bills, and did the grocery shopping. Then I pressure canned hamburger and dehydrated fruit. I cut metal siding and made a roof and sides for each rabbit pen and installed a gravity-fed watering system and homemade #10 can automatic feeders. I moved the rabbits around and got two successful breedings. I'll try again with the third doe tomorrow. I cleared some brush for an area I'm going to put to use soon. I sat quietly with a skittish goat and left her a treat as a first step to tame her down. The cool crop seedlings are on their fourth day of hardening off. I planted 300 tomato seeds and about 50 peppers and about 25 herbs and flowers. I'm waiting on space so I can plant more. I came up with a plan to keep the turkeys from eating plants through the chainlink fence. I moved those supplies into place for tomorrow. Then the normal laundry, dishes, etc. Then I realized I was running a fever. Now, I am watching gardening videos picking up some more tips. Clint's picking up supper and a tool he needs for tomorrow.

No two days look the same, but every day is very full. From starting seeds or hatching chicks in an incubator to making repairs or processing food, I try to be as productive as I can be. One thing I love about the work I do each day is that my work directly benefits my family.

This is how I do "stay at home" wife/mother.