Wednesday, March 09, 2022

I'ts not WHAT you do, it's WHY you are doing it that matters.

Work as a chef, own a bakery: Way to go!

Cook for your family: You poor kitchen slave.
Work in fashion or own a clothing store: Slay, Queen!
Mend or make your family's clothes: Are you Amish?
Teach 35 children in a classroom: Such a servant and a gem!
Teach your own child: Backwards weirdo!
Fold men's and children's clothes in a department store: Way to go earning your own money!
Fold your husband's clothes: You poor oppressed woman!
Run a lunch truck: Support women businesses!!
Hand your husband his lovingly packed lunch before he heads out the door: 1950's patriarchy!
Getting paid to push papers isn't better than managing your home budget.
Wiping down counters in your own shop isn't more valuable then quietly cleaning your own bathroom sink.
A paycheck doesn't equal worth.
The world's praises aren't the ones that matter. Achieving personal success isn't the way to glorify God.
Pretty sure the verse doesn't say, "Whatever you do, do it for a paycheck and high esteem in the eyes of the world."
Your work matters.
It is valuable.
It is sacred.
It is important.
It is God-honoring.
Go ahead and study how to slice and dice even if you'll only use the skills within the walls of your home. Go ahead and learn the science behind sourdough, even if you don't plan to start a side hustle.
Learn, grow, serve, give, sweep, teach, love, submit . . .
And do it cheerfully.
Do it to the glory of God.
~ Bloom Wild Schoolhouse

“It matters not if the world has heard or approves or understands...the only applause we're meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.” B.J. Hoff