Wednesday, February 28, 2024

A Daughter is a Blessing to Have


There are days I feel like a failure. Then one of my children builds me up.
I am so very thankful for the close relationships I have with all of my children.
As flawed as I am, I am also very thankful they see me the way they do.
I rejected what I knew and patterned my parenting after what I saw in God's Word. "Fear is the only thing a child understands." is a lie. They understand love, tenderness, kindness, grace, patience, know the same things we cry out for as adults and seek from God the Father. Trying to raise them with what I learned from His Word, as imperfect as I did it, has reaped so many blessings in so many ways. I most definitely would not want to miss out on these deepening relationships. I firmly believe God blesses those who seek Him with humility and sincerity. He doesn't require perfection from us. All His ways are good.