Monday, November 12, 2018

She got me!

One of several ways I've come up with to battle the gloomies that come with the time change and the darkness of winter is to up the play more with my family and friends. It can be telling jokes, pulling pranks, making them jump, turning on a favorite song and asking for a dance partner, and so on. It helps me and seems to help them too. The SHMILY snake was the start of it this year. Since you all seemed to enjoy that story so much, here's another for you:

Clint and I were away and worked all weekend on a project. I had trouble with the dust and became very congested. As a result, I had very little sleep all weekend. Because of that, I elected to sit in the truck when we stopped by Lowe's on our way home. 

I was playing a game on my phone in an effort to keep myself awake. I shrugged off the need to remain situationally aware when I felt the niggle in my subconscious. Somebody buy me a "Big Dummy" t-shirt because I earned it right then and there.

Amanda happened to be shopping in the hardware store for a pressure switch to fix her well pump. As she was leaving, she saw me. She noticed I was "into" my phone and wondered, "Can I scare her?" 

I had no problems staying awake after she screamed and slammed both hands hard on the window beside me. I shouted and jumped! That was my heart test for the year! I passed! It was very close, but my bladder held up too! 

She got me! I haven't jumped like that in a while.

After I recovered, I laughed at what my face must have looked like and what I sounded like when I screamed! 

She laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed until I wanted to slap her. I opened the door and moved my arms and hands in a "choking" fashion, and she laughed even harder! The momentary scare was so very worth it! Memories are being made!

Hopefully, she uses the rubber snake on a sibling now that she's had her fun with her mommy. If I see it, I will let you know...unless it scares me out of this life and into eternity. 

For the record, I have practiced good situational awareness ever since Amanda t̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶m̶e̶  scared me in the parking lot of Lowe's. The next time I feel my subconscious warn me, I will pay attention.

I looked for a verse on laughter to share with this post and laughed again when I came across this one:

Job 8:21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting.