Sunday, September 22, 2019

fruit that will last


"You will bear fruit that will last" from John 15:16 is a strong motivator for me to stay close the Lord and hold His Word as the ultimate standard in my life. It drives me to lay down things that are insignificant under the lens of eternity and motivates me to forgive those who have hurt me and enter into peaceful relationships with them. It is what causes me to speak out against wrongdoing, go against the tide, live differently, and encourages me to share His Word and love with others. God's ways are much higher and far more rewarding to us than any other standard. I want far more than what this world offers and what many people are content with obtaining. I want the fruit that will last! 

Dear Reader, I hope you do too. Please pray for me as I pray for you to desire the fruit that will last and to submit to the authority of God's Word in life. Let's go forward together for eternal reward instead of temporary pleasures.

Source: Standing Strong: How to Storm Proof Your Life with God's Timeless Truths Written by a man who loves God's people and knows that we can be victorious through life's trials, this is a book filled with the timeless truths of Bible doctrine to help the reader gain stronger convictions for a lasting faith. For the teacher, this book provides understandable explanations one can use to answer students' questions and because of that, it is a good book to review before or while teaching others.