Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Keep Going!

I've met a lot of Christians who seem to think that once they study the main doctrines, they are finished. They do not study deeper. They do not search the Word for answers to questions that pop up in their lives. They just do what they "feel is best" not caring if they get it wrong or not. 

There are others who have no desire to keep learning from the Author in His Word. "The Bible is boring. It's too hard to understand." They are lazy about matters of faith but diligent about sports or fashion or whatever. Others will make those excuses but will play a game that earns them nothing over and over for hours on end while their Bible and their faith grows dusty.

Then there are the people who sip lightly from the Bible and drink deeply from every other source. They give the same weight to all of it and pick and choose what they believe about God. They mold Him to fit their image instead of learning who He really is and shaping themselves to Him.

Others might read what the popular Christian authors of the day are writing about God's Word. That's like getting a story secondhand. On something so important it affects your entire life and afterlife, don't you think we should go directly to the source? I am not going to settle for second hand teaching when God gave us a book that spells out Who He is and what He wants from us.

Dear Reader, I challenge you to be passionate about God, His Word, and your obedience to it. Be diligent in giving it the right place in your life. It is the only thing in this life you can be sure will steer you in the right direction.