Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Several years ago, I started mentoring some younger wives and mothers on Facebook. I found that a lot of younger women really listen and find what I've learned, through my experiences as a mother of seven, as valuable. They value my thoughts and any tips I can share to make their load lighter. As I have listened to their hearts, I have heard what causes them to struggle. This has changed a lot of what I share and why, not just here, but especially on Facebook.

Some of them shared that they struggle hard when they are having to watch money so closely but see others posting about restaurants, possessions, and vacations. They would love to do those things themselves, but they are having to scrape change together to buy diapers. At the same time, some of the younger women are encouraged by seeing others have "extra." They see it as something to work towards.

As parents, Clint and I went through our own lean times and are enjoying this phase of life. We were frugal and still are. We worked hard, long hours and sacrificed more than most of our friends, due to our living choices and family size, to get where we are today. Life is getting easier, but it is not what one would call easy by any means. Clint's increase in income divided by so many people with three in college doesn't add up to a grand lifestyle, but it is more than enough and for that we are thankful. 

We've earned our right to take breaks and relax a little, but that does not give me the right to ignore the struggles of or lack compassion for younger Christians who are struggling financially. I want to keep those lines of communication open so I can hear their hearts and seize the moments to instruct and encourage however God leads. So, I still share some things, but I try to use a little more discretion in sharing in order to not to discourage those women.