Thursday, August 20, 2020


I am thankful the suburban's transmission gave out when and where it did. I had been driving it the previous afternoon...three backups before the transmission gave out. I would have pushed it back into the driveway where I was lending a hand, but I would not have enjoyed having myself and my girls in the middle of that particular road. That spot is the exact spot a woman was hit in her car as she pulled out of her driveway. She later died of her injuries. Last week someone ran over the mailbox and metal posts. So, I am thankful we weren't having to deal with pushing the suburban in that spot. It also happened when all of our family could come help push it out of the muddy depression the front tires where the front tires were sitting. It took all nine of us to push it out with a rocking momentum, but we did it! We did not need to wait for a tow truck which I think is worse than paying for one. I so enjoyed seeing our family work together to overcome an obstacle. We are very strong and very close which is also God's doing!

Who can ever praise him enough?
Psalms 106:2b