Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sweet Relief from the Heat


Our sweet and tasty homegrown honeydew melons were a great treat on a hot day, but three of them only lasted a few hours from the time they were picked. We knew they were ready to pick when they were a creamy yellow, had a spring back action when pressed opposite of the vine (that dot on the bottom), and smelled sweet. The three youngest girls made short work of the melons for lunch and snacks. Our rinds go right to our livestock, so they get a treat too! This is the heirloom variety "green flesh." 

If you need seeds, lmk. You can save them for next year. If you have 90 days before your first frost date, you can plant them now. I have way more than I can use, and I love to share with others. If you ask, I might have extras of other seeds like watermelon, squash, etc.