Tuesday, January 24, 2023



He has really come into his own with the new job with Honeywell.
He passed the training courses faster than the others that were hired at the same time. After his first two jobs, he was asked to lead projects which is very rare for a new hire. His boss said that everywhere he goes, she receives very high praises about his work and his conduct.

All of this means he is very high in demand which means his mama doesn't see him as often anymore. He is making very good money and has some short-term and long-term goals.

I was spoiled by his daily visits for years. I so miss our daily chats, but I am so very proud of him and happy for him.

Dear Reader, You know, even though I was certain it was the Lord leading Clint and me to homeschool, I was apprehensive about taking on the responsibility of educating my children. At least until I realized it was the Lord's work to do so through me. I had to recognize that if He led me to it, He would equip me to do it. The burden I felt came off of me and was placed onto Him. It all worked out better than I could have imagined. We can safely trust where the Lord leads.