Saturday, January 14, 2023

Clint's Strawberry Garden: The Beginning


A while back, I purchased Clint a hydroponics system "just because," for his new office which he received with his latest promotion. He has not had much time to do anything with it as he has been working hard to find new employees as well as work to reduce waste and get the machines running smoother. 

I just purchased him strawberry plants to grow in it. He snapped this picture and sent it to me with a thank you note after he got them planted.

Everbearing strawberries will produce three crops a year in a hydroponics system. They are one of the easiest crops to grow this way too. I also have four hydroponic systems growing newly planted strawberries indoors at our home. The runners from all five systems will be planted outdoors to add to what we already have in our gardens.

I would love the time to build a large vertical system, but this is not the year for that. Clint's new job is a big blessing for which we are very thankful, but it has set us back on some of our other life goals. We are determined to finish those before we take on anything else. 

Dear Reader, If you shop around, you can find smaller hydroponic gardens as inexpensive as $30-35. I know because I have one I found at that price. It works just as well as the pricer models too.