Thursday, January 12, 2023

Regrow Celery




So, Walmart lowered the price on their celery to a dollar. It might still be on sale in the store in your area, but my local store is out so I could not verify. 

When I saw it went down about 33%, I purchased 12 right away. I added more to the next few orders until I had 26. There's no reason for the number, it's just how many I ended up purchasing to this point. I made soup and chopped and dehydrated the rest of it. Then I put the ends in the window in water to root.

A few days ago, I planted some of the rooted bottoms into soil in cups I have used for gardening several times. Several celery ends are still rooting in the window. The cups that are too cracked to be used alone are doubled so I can continue to reap from my investment in them.

This is so easy to do! It is almost effortless. You do need to keep them watered and change the water to keep it from growing bacteria, but even my black/brown/grey-thumbed friends (grey just for you, Roanna) can succeed at this.

I am in zone 8. It used to be zone 7a but they have shifted the zone lines over the years. Right now is a good time to grow these indoors. I will harden mine off and put them outside starting at the end of February. I will get at least double the yield for my initial investment. 

I may try to keep some plants going until next season, but we'll see. Celery does not like the heat, so it may die. I would like to try, but I have so much other stuff on my plate that it will probably get overlooked.